by Lemika • Uploaded: May. 13 '09 - Gallerized: May. '09
© Giraffe trademark belongs to "The Giraffe Conservation Alliance". The graphic sign "giraffe" is protected by the law on copyright.
Client work
Lets Discuss
this is quite nice %26 funny. good job!
Replylove this, very nice! :)
Replyyeah really unique mark, great job
ReplyAga, videla na, kliovij znak!
Replylovely :) good job Lemika!
ReplyReally cute mark.
ReplyGreat idea. It really evokes a giraffe, even without any label.
ReplySmart solution, Elena.
ReplyProbably it's too late for renaming but it would even be 10 times stronger if the studio's name was GIRAPHIC! :)
ReplyReminds me of Shrek logo
Replyvery smart and ellegant
Replyawesome .. :) one of my fev
Replyone of those... 'wish i thought of that' designs!*very sweet work
ReplyThis is absolutley a winner! Great work!
Replyde 10
ReplyNice Giraffe, Lemika. Upside down it looks like an animal's rear.
ReplyGreat design.
ReplyMany logos are better than AntiParticle and that's not sour grapes, it's a fact.
ReplyGreat execution and clever concept.
ReplyThis is just wonderful.
ReplyFantastic - this is brilliant. I also loved Type08s idea for the studio's name- GIRAPHIC. Great work!
ReplyBrilliant. Love it.
ReplyThis is very cool. Nice job.
ReplyThis is great. Floated and faved.
ReplySweet mark!
ReplyBTW alot of animals evolving from %22g%22 for you :)
ReplyLove it
ReplyThis is amazing
Replyvery cool mark
Replyfreaking awesome XD
Replymade me laugh! great stuff
Replyvery nice!
ReplyI like the creative touch of the logo. simple and cute. A baby giraffe. congrats!
ReplyI always impressed by the simple logo :D
Replygood job!
Replybrilliat! love the mark!
Replyvery clever. i like it.
ReplyNeat. Similar to S treatment in Shrek title, but actually more fitting and better balanced than it.
Replyhey Lemika have you sold this logo ?**plz chk this link **
Replyyep she done with outstanding craft ...but that one might be a stolen property
ReplyThe link that you posted... it seems that the %22g%22 treatment was an afterthought or something - it is competing with a mark to the left. Something is wrong...
ReplyI think, this coincidence.
ReplyWell deserved gallery spot Lemika.
ReplyThe other one looks more like an alien than a giraffe.*This is so cute... Loving it
Replyeto prosto velikolepno!!!
ReplyCan't believe you actually made the g looks like a giraffe. Good work!
ReplyAwesome picture it was very well thought out
ReplyHello Lemika,
ReplyMy name is Sheri Horiszny, and I work at the Santa Barbara Zoo in California ( I have been working on a giraffe conservation project for the past two years, and am now developing a non-profit organization to help run it. We are putting together a Board of Directors, etc., and starting a website. All of us are working to help giraffe populations which are in serious decline in Africa, and we are all doing it in our spare time. We found your logo, and absolutely love it, and wonder if you would like to donate it in support of giraffe conservation, or if you would consider allowing us to purchase it for a small sum. It would be the logo for Giraffe Conservation Alliance (GCA), and will help us to bring greater awareness to the plight of giraffes in Africa. You can reach me at or
If you would like to learn more about our projects, please check us out at or find us on Facebook by searching Care for Karamoja. We also have the site up as Under Construction for now.
I hope to hear from you soon! Cheers, Sheri
Hi Lemika,
ReplyGreat mark! Found someone using it and though you should know...
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