by Logomotive • Uploaded: Feb. 01 '09 - Gallerized: Feb. '09
sharpshark, info. to be provided later.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
ReplySorry I ot carried away there, I really like this Mike E
ReplyMike...this is nice!
ReplyI like it too! great job!
ReplyThanks guys, you know the coolest part of this design is the fact that even though it's the same sharks flipped, One is viewed as the side fin and the other the top fin. The eyes are the only difference.
ReplyMike, only you can achieve a logo as pure genius as this one.
ReplyYou're really starting to tick me off.
ReplyMan, I would give my left _____ to watch you work, haha.
ReplyAn instant fave by the way.
ReplyPretty sick! %3B)
ReplyWell done, Mike.
Replyoh yeah.. %26 sharks.. he's good at sharks too...
ReplyI really love this, those sharks are WICKED.
ReplyThanks for the kind words my friends.
ReplyVery nice.
ReplyOh come on, Mike!! Get a life already. :-P
ReplyI know this has nothing to do with the logo but aren't sharks not very intelligent? sharp sharks?**Nonetheless this is amazing as expected
ReplyThis is really an AMAZING mark! Mike, you are insane...
ReplyThanks guys, I guess sharks are considered smart. Ever heard of a pool shark or a card shark? pretty smart. I dunnknow.
ReplyBesides it can mean sharp (hip,clever,or acute) in other ways.
Replyive never heard of sharks being 'not clever'.. but my first impression would have been pool shark/card shark.. so works.
ReplyI don't know.. Thought I went to sea world 1 time and heard someone say sharks we're stupid, maybe my kid said that :X***
Replymaybe they really are dumb? But I'm not going to test one to see :-)
ReplyIt think card shark and pool shark is more about aggressiveness than smarts. It is about the bluff. Does that still work?
ReplyNo not at all a pool shark and a card shark are knieving (however ya spell that word) and smart not so aggressive.
Replyi see a couple of things, I first saw a chubby ninja star, but then it also resembles a ying yang symbol. kind of curious what the description will be. :P
Replyregardless of their level of intelligence, these sharks are awesome!
ReplyLove the fin play, Bravo again LM
Replymark is absolutely fantastic... logotype is ok... considering you do some lovely custom jobs on logotypes I'd treat that the same. I would imagine the mark would look cool on a T Shirt... I would nearly go as far as saying this is one of the best marks I have seen on this site.
ReplyThanks guys.*mcdseven, thanks bud, yeah expectations lol I got lazy on the type, but appreciate the observation. :-)
ReplyI really like the icon. Good work.
ReplyLove it!!
Replyit is a prety work%0D*
ReplyKiller concept !!!!! :)
Replylove it! The icon is wonderful!
ReplyThanks guys.*@mcdseven, you inspired me to update the type. Notice the counters in the a's and the eyes of the sharks. I think the type compliments the mark better now.
ReplyI know I commented, but I did not say how much I love this. Floated and faved. One of my favorite logos of all time.
Reply%5EThanks Trish, I only charged the guy %2450 %3B-)
Replyeuro though, right? love you.
Reply%3EU2 yeah!
ReplyI can't believe I didn't comment on this. Escher would be very proud of you Mike.
ReplyBeautiful Clever %3D Perfect!
Replysixtynine.*good mark.
Replycool %3B)
Reply@ Art yep Escher would huh? *@ PR year I was born 2 4 69 %3Cnow that's cool.*Thanks Magic.*
ReplyThis logo is awesome!
ReplyThanks LinkCreative.
Replyone of the bests here, fav!
ReplyDoes this seem derivative to anyone else?
ReplyThis really has to be my favorite logo of yours to date. There's just soooo many good things to say about it. Amazing how clever it is -- flawless execution. Thanks for putting this up here for us to see. :)
Reply RIP!!! just wanted to post this for Legal purpose. We all need eyes these days.
ReplyNot again, Mike?! They could've picked a better font than copperplate tho. LOL.
ReplyYeah, I agree. I just want witnesses to go along with it.. ARRR.
ReplyWoa. **Duncan, BC. Not far from where I am.
ReplyHow do you act in such cases? What if they have the nerve to say you stole it from them?
Reply%5E Hey hurry up with your program %3B)
Reply@Lecart, I called them immediatly and I am the original designer so like any case I fight it until the end. I just wish the rippers were rich. %22The Truth will set you free.%22
ReplyMike I have the illustrator files that predate your upload at and have been using the sharpshark name for years, send me proof and a resonable case rather than calling me childish names. SEND me your vectors and prove it From my email in response.*
ReplyProve it. was the end response. HA ME prove it now. been using it for years. HA HA HA
ReplyThe funny thing is he asked ME to send him VECTORS. look at his logo inbelievable.
ReplyIs he saying HE designed it, or did someone else do it for him?
ReplyOf course either way it's ridiculous bs....
ReplyThat was his email. I copy pasted it. The sad thing is I was cordial and polite and wanted to resolve this prior to posting live, but when I felt it might be going the other direction by girlfriends response and his... I decided to to make a statement and stand up for our rights... ENOUGH is ENOUGH.
ReplyOh my goodness Mike, that will teach you for being so damn good. The cheeky little, he's more than likely some 15yr old in mummy's day it will be easier to sue these trolls.
Reply%5Eha no I don't know why I have had this happen to me so much lately, maybe I have a tag saying rip me. yeah I guess I should just quite whining and give up...... too much drama
ReplyTHIS guy is playing hardball. LAWYER UP TIME.
ReplyWho's he kidding? You tell at first glance that he's just used the 'Live Trace' function in Illustrator of a bitmap source i.e. above graphic. Check out the quality (or lack there of) on the eyes...low res trace.**His original logo%3B
ReplyWhile we're providing links- I went ahead and tried what Hayes said (if you don't mind me doing so Mike) and took the image straight off LP, copy and paste, then used the low res default live trace. here's what i got.****compare.
Reply@ Hayes yeah the smoothnesss in vectors, yet I'm suppose to take my time now to prove to him the %22vector%22 work LOL. I'm just gonna get lawyer to handle it now since I did everything to avoid making an issue.**Chad NOT at all bro, I appreciate it very much.*
ReplyMan, thieves just love to whore out your logos. Ok, so I'm guessing he has changed the logo now?
Replysorry to hear and see this Mike. Hopefully things get resolved. Keep us all up to date!
ReplySeems like you have a big target sign on your showcaese Mike, you shouldn't be doing beautiful work, so, IMO it's your own fault! good luck with your lawyer.
ReplyMike..did he change the logo back on his site? I just visited it and your logo is no longer on there.
Replyall I'm getting is a forbiddin 404 message. He also told me he changed logos and told me I have one week to provide him the proof or he's going to put logo back on. Is that not backwards r what. Now I have to while he sits on his ass with stolen design?? The nerve of people and very dumb move on his part now.
ReplyI wonder if his clients would appreciate his antics. %3B)
Reply%5E Said the devil on the shoulder.
ReplyCan anyone do me a favor and look at this site and see what this guy is using? I'm forbidden.
Replysent you an email Mike...
ReplyThanks Nav!
ReplyGlad to see they finally pulled their head in...
Reply%5E Me too but it was not easy took a week of back and forth.Unbelievable the stupidity of people.
ReplyEDIT, of some people.
Reply%5E I lack the right grammar.
Reply%5E%5E%5EHa! What a tale... %3B) Killer stuff Mike!
ReplyThanks Michaelspitz.
ReplyLove this, really clever rotational symmetry!
ReplyThanks Logopunk,One of my personal favs.
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