
by vintagesignman • Uploaded: Jul. 21 '08


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Description: Ditto logo
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2372

Lets Discuss

gthobbs Jul. 21 '08

Yellow dot on i is a bit distracting and not needed IMO. Is this the famous cloned sheep?

OcularInk Jul. 21 '08

I love the mark. I think you can find a better font to compliment though. Have you tried something with rounded edges? The wordmark might even look better to the right of the mark.

hindmarshdesign Jul. 21 '08

I didn't know what the mark was until i read the sheep comment. Are they sheep?

hindmarshdesign Jul. 21 '08

I really like the idea though. I also agree w/comments about the yellow dot.

CynicalKiddo Jul. 22 '08

Are the sheeps legs by an chance supposed to be ditto marks?

vintagesignman Jul. 22 '08

Thanks you for your comments, yes they are %22the%22 sheep. I thought it was a good icon to use for a %22copy%22 company. I see the ditto legs, I didn't do it intentionally. I see now what you mean by the orange, the customer did like having some color.

tdf Jul. 23 '08

Love the icon. The type and scale could use some polishing.


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