by doc4 • Uploaded: Apr. 24 '07 - Gallerized: May. '07
Developed for the University of Arkansas' Writers in the Schools program which engages children in the pleasure and power of reading and writing. The program enlists English majors to inspire younger generations by speaking at Elementary and Junior-High schools.
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this is a nice concept doc! but if you dont mind a suggestion there's no need for it to be doubled up like that, add the led (pencil tip) to the end of the blue heart %26 have it just as one? you got some neat stuff in your showcase doc, good work!
ReplyThe pencil is separate to create a %22W%22 shape for use as a mark without the text. This was intentional. Thanks for the compliments.
ReplyThe subtle 'W' image is great. Any particular reason the pencil is in the background, rather than in the foreground, with the emphasis on 'writers' in the name?
ReplyOH YEAH!!!! duhhh! very nice!
ReplyFocus turned to the caring aspect due to the charity involved and the fact that not a lot of students get involved. The idea that this program is more about donating your time and assistance became a priority.
ReplyBy the way, thanks for the comments Jeff. When you get a moment I would like to hear your thoughts on my Curiosities logo ( aka Trickcat )
ReplyUploaded a new version, let me know your thoughts.
Replyyep, very nice!
ReplyI think this is MUCH stronger.
ReplyI love it.
Replyunintentional heart ?
Replythe heart is completely intentional, this program is about caring and learning.
Replydamm good - i love it
ReplySimply stunning.
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