
by swiss_cheese • Uploaded: Mar. 17 '10 - Gallerized: Mar. '10


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Description: WIP. This is for a webdesign agency named "dancer" which does not want to look like a dance school. The mark shows a peacock forming a circle - representing a dance - and a speech bubble in the whitespace which of course stands for communications.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 19814

Lets Discuss

swiss_cheese Mar. 17 '10

it't too complicated right now. I'm still working on the reduced version

ebrown Mar. 17 '10

like both concepts nice work on these.

dotflo Mar. 17 '10

i like the idea, i feel u are getting close to something really cool, keep it up

swiss_cheese Mar. 18 '10

hey, why is this on the frontpage?%5E%5E This is more like a sketch than a final logo... %3B)

oronoz ® Mar. 18 '10

I like it swiss... :)

milou Mar. 18 '10

%5E%5E you need to talk with David then, about how he dared to make yr work featured %3B) nice once btw.

taenzer Mar. 18 '10

I'm the one he's creating the logos for. I absolutely love his idea using a peacock. Looking forward to the next sketches.

eziemac Mar. 18 '10

nice work, man, very pretty

Petro Mar. 18 '10

I think that you need to add more colors in the peacock's tail. At overall the logo is very nice.

logo design monster Mar. 20 '10

Looking closer at the design I can see you have put a lot of work into this. I am sure Taenzer will be very happy with the final logo.

andrevaleiras Apr. 20 '10

love the illustration! love peacocks hahaha. the speach bubble is awesome... nice!


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