by kathariney • Uploaded: Feb. 22 '10
An empty bowl await for someone to fill it up with food...Apparently, I'm hungry and broke.Really looking for critique regarding the type.Thanks in advance.
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would like to hear any comment and suggestion regarding the type in particular. Thanks
ReplyI think you need to get out more :)
Reply@nido, LOL, that was an unexpected one.
ReplyI'm not sure what radhecilis is seeing. Katherine, could you explain the use of the RSS symbol?
Reply@radhacelis, Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it :)**@Roy, When I decided to use the RSS symbol, I was thinking about the term %22web feed%22. Then the idea comes that, an hungry dog waiting to to be fed makes me think of people hungry for news/update on the web. Therefore, %22an empty food bowl waiting/wanting to be fed%22, and I think the arches of %22web feed/RSS' symbol , fit in nicely to highlight the emptyness of the bowl (you know in comics, sometimes when something went missing, or demend attention, it got a few stroke above? although those are vertically pointing towards the object, but i think the arches here functions similarly.) Hope I explained it clearly :) Appreciate it if you have any comment about this concept.
Replyp.s. you can also look at this as, the empty bowl is screaming out loud : %22feed me!%22
ReplyAh web feed. Thank you for the explanation, Kath. I guess I'm a bit slow.
ReplyNice idea but there is something wrong with the execution, sign needs more barking and less %22radiolocation%22 :) But I have to admit that feel of empty bowl screaming %22feed me!%22 is very strong.
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