
by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Feb. 18 '10


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Description: v2 of a previous logo as seen at http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/94724 tried a custom font. thought?
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1748

Lets Discuss

nido Feb. 18 '10

the dog illustration is very very good... the custom type ain too bad either.. but I would suggest making the whole thing smaller... its got no room to breathe in that space.. %26 then, place the mark above the text in the conventinal way... this current approach does nothing for it...

Mikeymike Feb. 18 '10

Thanks, nindo. I'll give that a try. just seemed a tad odd when I first tried it on top because of the spikes.*Thanks.

nitish.b Feb. 18 '10

like were this is goin...agree wid nido on this one...the type carries the aggressive nature of the mark...what about G?...i ges if u use the B and flip it to create G, the structure mite look more balanced..

pjmaster Feb. 19 '10

I like expression on his face, but connection between typo and illustration is bad IMO. Custom font is also problematic.

Mikeymike Feb. 19 '10

thanks for the input. i really appreciate it. i'll keep working on the type/graphic combo.


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