by Tango217 • Uploaded: Feb. 10 '10
Just for fun. Updated background to light green, let me know what you think.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
ha-ha))) ice
Replysquare bear is a good bear! :) nice! real fun.
ReplyThanks!! :)
Replynice :)
ReplyHa I got one of those :)
Replyhaha I apologize for the copied title. Concepts pretty different though.
ReplyHa no biggie, just saying.
ReplyMaybe they can be friends! haha
ReplyHow about Box Bear or Boxy Bear?
ReplyShould I change the title??
Replylove this bear, just that maybe a different background colour to pop it up?
Replyput in different color, what do you think
Replyok thanks
ReplyI loved your logo... !!!!!
Replywhat's the name of the font?%0D*
Replyharabara. my favorite
ReplyHi, was looking for a way to contact you. I run a T Shirt company and wondered if you'd allow us to use this design on one of our shirts?
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