Fashion Without Guilt

by gkleon • Uploaded: Feb. 03 '10


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Description: The concept of a logo for "Fashion Without Guilt" blog.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 6556

Lets Discuss

milou Feb. 03 '10

I like the women, and I see the F letter there, but it doesn't much that perfectly with the rest of the itallic letter. What do you think?

bitencourt Feb. 03 '10

I see Scriptina! :)

kathariney Feb. 03 '10

the first thing I notice is the hat and she seems not happy...then i realize it should be an F there. Personally I think %22without guilt%22 should have a happy logo, not a lady with an attitude.... but i like the flow of this mark.

gkleon Feb. 05 '10

I guess you are right milou, that script font could be little less italic. About a %22Guilt%22, I had trouble what to do with that. The last thought it was %22you don't see, you don't feel guilty%22 (very far-fetched), so she closed her eyes, but maybe you are right kathariney, that lady could be more happy.**Thanks for all comments.

kathariney Feb. 05 '10

it's just sometimes I have a strong opinion about fashion :) for %22fashion without guilt%22 I think it's more logical with the %22I worked hard, and I deserve this %245000 purse with a confident happy smile%22. **While a girl with her eyes closed, is the highend fashion attitute you can spot in most fashion related images, pic, ads, illustration. to me, it only speaks %22this purse is %245000, it's an over-priced luxury, and it shows off my social status.%22 also, personally, when i try not to look at something, it means I'm seriously guilty about it that I can't even look at the bill.**hope this helps :)

gkleon Feb. 25 '10

I've changed it, so scriptina is little less inclined now.

gkleon Feb. 26 '10

I guess I'm going to give up with that business... I was %22defeated%22 by that:*!*s4sKROP0dprlOXJqfIs1K-JRRI3bf0Z1taA%3D%3D!


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