Daniel Moyer Photography

by ryanlynndesign • Uploaded: Feb. 03 '10


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Description: The logo for Daniel Moyer Photography had to be broad enough to cover multiple areas of expertise while at the same time carry a high-end look for prospective wedding clients.
As seen on: http://www.danielmoyerphotography.com/
Status: Client work
Viewed: 26550

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Feb. 03 '10

Agreed. The mark is nice. Very well drawn with a great use of negative space. The font isn't quite right for my liking, but that's all subjective. :-)

ryanlynndesign Feb. 03 '10

Thanks for the feedback guys!

brandclay Feb. 03 '10

I really like the font choice, bold and out there, but still professional.

wiking May. 11 '10

I keep coming back to this one. Nicely done.

ocularink May. 11 '10

It might help to give a little more space between the two lines of type?

theartistt May. 11 '10

agree. Photography is too close. make it the same distance below the name as you have above between the name and illustration.

ryanlynndesign May. 26 '10

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately the logo has already been implemented, so whatever tweaks it needs will have to wait until a future redesign.

JoePrince Oct. 08 '10

I really like this, nice work.

MosTaFaHussien Jul. 13 '12

I want this LOG's PsD ,please

grabajava Feb. 11 '13

Very nice logo. Where can I buy it? Or can you send me the PSD file? Thank you


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