Michael Spitz

by michaelspitz • Uploaded: Jan. 30 '10 - Gallerized: Feb. '10


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Description: Personal Branding (Distilled mark for scale applications) >FULL IDENTITY SET: HERE Copyright © 2010 Michael Spitz All rights reserved.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 22252

Lets Discuss

mcdseven Jan. 30 '10

looks great at this stripped back scaled version. classic!

michaelspitz Jan. 30 '10

@mcdseven - Awesome!%3Cbr%3EIt was kind of a trick fit... But that's the thing about 'plants' %3E they're quite often fractals to begin with... %3B) Thanks a lot!**@thisGuy - Cheers! Thanks again! :)

myerohov Jan. 30 '10

ae, this really good!

andreiu Jan. 30 '10

i event think i like this one more than the big one.

JF Jan. 30 '10

This is even better! Love it. Great work.

matjak Jan. 31 '10

Great work mate : )

m1sternoname Jan. 31 '10

harsh winter ey? looks nice :)

birofunk Jan. 31 '10

oh yea man this works prefectly!

michaelspitz Jan. 31 '10

@andreiu %26 JF - Ha! I was kind of afraid of that... %3B) When I finished his one, it definitely stood out for me as well...%3Cbr%3EThere is a certain 'random organic' quality that I had to leave out of this one in order to bump the visibility, and that I do miss from the larger mark... As it stands now, I think I'd probably like to try my hand at inplementing both %3E (The original, for use in most cases, and porbably this guy on the smaller end) Branding wise I think they're playing well together...so perhaps I can figure out a system to borrow the best of both worlds? %3B) Cheers guys!**@logomotive - Good deal! Thanks Mike!**@matjak %26 birofunk - Thanks so much guys! :)**@m1sternoname - HA! You know it... %3B) Thanks a lot!

OcularInk Jan. 31 '10

This one definitely works well too. It's much less restrictive in regards to scaling.

michaelspitz Jan. 31 '10

*Quick Update* %3E Added type :)

logoboom Jan. 31 '10

Nice simplification.

raja Jan. 31 '10

good progression Michael

michaelspitz Jan. 31 '10

@logoboom %26 raja - Thanks a lot guys! All the feedback along the way has been really helpful! :)

logomotive Jan. 31 '10

Yes, You did not really lose anything but actually gained.

logomotive Jan. 31 '10

I meant you actually lost a lot but gained. I NEVER get right the first time.

michaelspitz Jan. 31 '10

@Bitencourt - Thanks again!! Greatly appreciated! :)**@logomotive - Ha! %3B) %3E TOTALLY know what you mean! Thanks again Mike!! :)

ethereal Jan. 31 '10

Perfect, Michael, works great small!!

dotflo Feb. 01 '10

a very good adjustment to the original mark, congratz on the idea :)

nitish.b Feb. 01 '10

furry...:P** i c a hunched-back yeti

rony xu Feb. 01 '10

woww ... that's cool :)

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

*%5E%5E%5E%5E%5ECheers Guys! :)*%3Cbr%3ETook a bit of tweaking, but I'm very happy with how the little guy turned out! The ultimate goal was a strong sense of brand cohesion %3E so if you feel I've hit that, I'm deffenitley pleased to hear it! Thanks again! I really appreciate the comments!! :)

jn Feb. 01 '10

Haha i love this even more than the other :) Good job!

eziemac Feb. 01 '10

Brilliant and well crafted. Nice work :)

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

@jn - Thanks a lot! :) Ha! I'd hate to think I'm making the other guy jealous... %3B)

alto Feb. 01 '10

This is so fun, unique and friendly. Great identity!

jn Feb. 01 '10

Well if big brother gets jealous i think you have a minor problem :) *

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

@eziemac - Thanks so much!**@alto - Cheers! Really appreciate it!**@jn - Ha! Rumble in the jungle... %3B)

Wizemark Feb. 01 '10

Congrats on the gallery. Great work, Michael!

bigoodis Feb. 01 '10

This version of logo is the best and very practical. Congr-s :)

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

@Wizemark %26 bigoodis - Thanks a lot guys! Really appreciate it! :)

lboi Feb. 01 '10

love all your logos .. you have mastered the %22playful%22 in logo design :)

logomotive Feb. 01 '10

yeah I was wondering when it hit FP, good.

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

@lboi - Thanks so much Sneh! :)**@logomotive - Thanks a bunch Mike! Really appreciated your feedback on the whole set! Cheers! :)

logomotive Feb. 01 '10

I Really appreciate that you appreciate the feedback, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside just like your logo. :) It will do well for you.

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

@logomotive - %5EHA! %3B) Thanks again!**@absoludicrous - Cheers Anthony! Thanks so much! :)

JoePrince Feb. 01 '10

If I change my name to Moe can I buy this from you Michael? :P

Rokac Feb. 01 '10

Glad to see this in the gallery. Congrats Michael!

chirp Feb. 01 '10

Again, one of my faves! Excellent work, Michael!

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

@JoePrince - HA!! For sure...but you'd obviously need a pretty big stash to pull it off! %3B)**@Rokac - Thanks a lot Roko! Cheers!**@chirp - Thanks so much Todd! Means a lot!

snowkai Feb. 01 '10

Rly nice, and clean%3D)

talaljlilati Feb. 01 '10

It is really different approach, eye catchy, and compact.... well done %3B)

fogra Feb. 02 '10

This is just superb.

KonradK Feb. 02 '10

Finally in the gallery :) Congrats!

cresk Feb. 02 '10

Beautiful virbrant mark, it rocks.

AlexWende Feb. 02 '10

Great work Mr. Spitz %3B)

nitish.b Feb. 02 '10

it jus grows on u...g8 work wid this one buddy...)

cerise Feb. 02 '10

It's perfect really

michaelspitz Feb. 02 '10

%5E%5E%5E%5E%5E%5E%5E%5ECheers guys!! Thanks very much!! Really pleased to have it in the gallery! So happy you guy are digging it! %3B)

ryanlynndesign Feb. 02 '10

Great identity! The flowers are a great visual element that is %22ownable%22 to you and looks great on its own or as a pattern. After looking at your other links, I like this version with less petals- maybe because this is the first one I saw...

Phane Feb. 02 '10

very nice, but for me it looks just like a customized logo for Mtv , you know ?

OcularInk Feb. 02 '10

%5E Big stretch if you ask me.

JoePrince Feb. 02 '10

%5E%5EYeah I don't agree at all. This is as unique as they come.

michaelspitz Feb. 02 '10

@ryanlynndesign - Thanks a lot Ryan!! Really appreciate it! A key focus for the whole set has definitely been its extended branding capability, and so I'm definitely happy to hear it's doing it's job! Cheers! :)**@Phane - I love your work, and as a result I certainly respect you opinion... However, in this case I'm afraid I'm going to have to side with Kevin %26 Joe...%3Cbr%3E%5EHaving said that %3E If by chance someone @ MTV decides they 'like this so much' they want to give me a call...?%3Cbr%3EYou can be damn sure I'd happy hear from you..! %3B)**@OcularInk %26 JoePrince - Thanks again guys!

j-CAZ Feb. 02 '10

Very inspiring colors.

Gafyn Feb. 02 '10

I thought the first versions were great but this is even better!

michaelspitz Feb. 02 '10

@j-CAZ %26 Gafyn - Thanks a lot guys! Really appreciate it!*

ask Feb. 02 '10

pretty cool...i digg it

mattaebersold Feb. 02 '10

This is really great! I love the colors and the depth.

michaelspitz Feb. 02 '10

@ask / felro / mattaebersold - Thanks a lot guys! Really appreciate the comments! :)

Phane Feb. 03 '10

@ Michael . 10x , I also appreciate your showcase , and this logo too. But when I saw this printed, that was my first feeling. That's all. Maybe this is just in my head :) Actually... if I'm the only one with this opinion so I need to admit that I have a problem :)) Cheers

michaelspitz Feb. 03 '10

@Phane - :) No problem my good man!! Media is definitely a saturated thing...and I can totally understand where you were coming from... In any case, regardless of the point, I always appreciate the feedback %3E it only makes things stronger.%3Cbr%3EThanks a bunch! :)

oronoz ® Feb. 03 '10

Step back...this is awesome!!

michaelspitz Feb. 03 '10

@oronoz %AE - HA! Thanks a bunch! %3E Greatly appreciated! :)

muse7 Feb. 04 '10

I love it! Fan(freakin)tastic :)

onesummer Feb. 06 '10

@michael, top stuff. i'm amazed at how great it looks even at smaller sizes (i.e.your gravatar). anyway, been meanin' to ask: why pedals? don't get me wrong, I love it, just curious as to how you feel it conveys yourself and your work? **sidebar: i have to admit that I thought they were feathers when I first saw the mark. reminded me a little of some imaginary creature you'd find in a Dr. Seuss book (this is a compliment, btw!) %3B)

michaelspitz Feb. 06 '10

@onesummer - First off, thanks so much!! :)*In an attempt to answer your question %3E I've definitely thought about it, and although I've honestly had a spot of difficulty explaining my thinking..I think in fact the reasoning is fairly straightforward?*Firstly, I've always had a very strong attachment to natural materials, and wood in particular... (Its strength, its endurance, its intricacy %26 texture...and of course the fact that each piece is unique...)*If you'll refer to my previous mark (just re-uploaded) %3Ca href%3D%22http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/93116%22%3EHERE%3C/a%3E%3Cbr%3E(While this might be a bit of a stretch...) %3E If you'd consider my previous mark as the 'trunk of the tree'...I think I'd like to consider this new 'evolution' %3E the growth (i.e. the 'leaves') of that same tree...**Just to clarify (despite the vibrant coloring, again my original intention with these mark's are 'leaves' vs 'petals'...but the basic concept holds water in both cases I suppose) %3B) **Again, along with that strong attachment to the organism %26 feel of natural materials, I've always been one for a level of distillation %26 order (hence the tightness of original mark.) And, as I mentioned to Alen %3E I've always been one for an extreme attention to detail (probably best illustrated in my information design.)*Thus, my hope is that this new identity serves to echo my goal of achieving all the qualities mentioned above, along with (the true unpredictability/underlying order persistent in nature) if that if that makes any sense?***On a side note (I have been told I'd likely do well as a 'sculptor'...that, or a 'forensic pathologist'...)%3Cbr%3EBut for the %231 %3E the pay's a bit iffy... For %232 %3E I'm honestly not that into forensics or pathology... %3B)**%5E%5E%5EAnyway *Wow...* That's totally long winded... If you made it this far, clearly I'm impressed..!**Hope this helps a bit to explain the thought process?%3Cbr%3EI'm definitely Seuss fan all the way! %3B)%3Cbr%3EThanks again for the comment!**Cheers! :)

onesummer Feb. 06 '10

awesome. thanks for the detailed explanation :)

michaelspitz Feb. 06 '10

@onesummer - Ha! No problem! Thanks for reading... %3B)

Hayes Image Feb. 06 '10

The 'M' letterform is a cut above...nice identity set on flickr too :)

michaelspitz Feb. 06 '10

@Hayes Image - Thanks a lot Josh! Really appreciate it!*Pleased to hear you liked the ID set on flickr! %3E Still working on it, but it's getting there... :)

Gafyn Feb. 09 '10

Your avatar catches my eye every time I see one of your comments, colours are mesmerizing! Previously floated, just popped back to fave!

michaelspitz Feb. 09 '10

@Gafyn - Ha! Thanks so much Gafyn! Really appreciate it! Means a lot! :)

Chad Sanderson Feb. 09 '10

It took me ten minutes of scrolling through the comments to realize I hadn't actually left one. That being said...**This easily the best thing in your showcase. It's one of those timeless pieces that all the blogs will be talking about for the next couple years. Congratulations on creating something that really suits you.

michaelspitz Feb. 09 '10

@Chad Sanderson - %5EHa! %3B) Thanks so much Chad! I really appreciate it! :)%3Cbr%3EA lot of 'me' went into this set, and honestly, I just couldn't be happier!%3Cbr%3EIf I were wearing a hat, you can be sure I'd be tipping it to you... %3B) Thanks again! Cheers!!

JoePrince Feb. 14 '10

This thing is so sexy Michael. Do you ever just stare at it in awe? I know I'm guilty.

michaelspitz Feb. 15 '10

@JoePrince - HA!! Joe, you kill me! %3B)*Cheers again!! Actually, sometimes I think I catch it staring back.....***

gizm0 Feb. 16 '10

coool. nice form sence!

michaelspitz Feb. 17 '10

@gizm0 - Thanks a lot! Much appreciated!

nido Feb. 17 '10

wow... really gets your senses tingling...

michaelspitz Feb. 17 '10

@nido - Ha! You know it! %3B) Thanks for the drop in!

michaelspitz Feb. 24 '10

@T%F8mme - Thanks so much! :)

Lecart Feb. 24 '10

yet another well deserved float. :)

michaelspitz Feb. 24 '10

@Lecart - Thanks very much indeed! :)

AlexWende Feb. 27 '10

saw this on stationerystyle.net, works really great! Awesome identity :D

michaelspitz Feb. 27 '10

@AlexWende - Thanks so much Alex! Really appreciate it!! :)

bruno veloso Mar. 02 '10

This had all reasons to go wrong and yet it did not. Great job and works great also at small sizes, like your avatar.

muse7 Mar. 12 '10

Makes me smile every time I see your logo/avatar and your collateral is stellar!

michaelspitz Mar. 17 '10

@muse7 - Thanks so much Ashley! Greatly appreciated! :)

rick! Apr. 12 '10

woow this is awesome!

michaelspitz Apr. 13 '10

@rick! - Cheers! Thanks very much indeed! :)

agingersnaps Apr. 22 '10

this is truly beautiful! I love this!

mcguire design Apr. 22 '10

Love the complete package. Nice work.

michaelspitz Apr. 22 '10

@agingersnaps / mcguire design / luiz_adelino - Thanks so much guys!! Cheers! :)

Double A May. 13 '10

This is wonderful. Great job.

michaelspitz May. 14 '10

@Double A - Thanks a lot Adam! Much appreciated!

beczukdavid May. 14 '10

I like it. However it reminds me of M'tv logo and advertising style.

michaelspitz May. 14 '10

@beczukdavid - While you aren't the first person to bring up the reference...I will say as I have before %3E that mtv's 'M' is one of the more ubiquitous media icons you're to likely to come across. Thus, due to simple media saturation, truly any bolded 'M' could probably stand to comparison... That said, I believe the identity stands strongly on its own, and so I certainly don't mind the offhand reference every once in a while... %3B) Thanks for the comment.

jerron May. 14 '10

What, that's an M? I thought it was a pair of leafy pants. Just joking!****I wish I had a pair of leafy pants.

michaelspitz May. 14 '10

@AnthonyLane - %5E%5EHa! %3B) Seriously! I mean what are we...a bunch of mindless media sponges?**%5EAs for silkscreen...she's a comin' %3B) A buddy back home actually offered to start a run for me last month... But to be honest, it's really the kind of thing I'd prefer to oversee/execute myself. At the moment, Croatia doesn't appear to be the best spot to be setting up physical production...however I am working on swinging something else stateside.**Rest assured my good man %3E you have a secure standing order on the first run!*

michaelspitz May. 14 '10

@jerron - Haha! %3B) Dammit, me too! Of course for those, we'll probably have to talk to my guys in Hong Kong...

palattecorner May. 19 '10

hii...saw u r works in veer...i done my first work using u r caption......like u

blakemcdivitt Jun. 22 '10

The best personal mark I have ever seen!

michaelspitz Jun. 22 '10

@palattecorner - Cheers!**@blakemcdivitt - Thanks so much Blake! Really truly appreciate it! :)

ALL4LEO Oct. 14 '10

Love your mark, awesome %22face%22 !

Alex K. Feb. 28 '11

just perfect logo! idea of a symbol is very nice.

nickhood Aug. 29 '11

I've seen this for awhile and i always thought it was great. Such a unique approach that i wouldn't have thought of. Really memorable.

ColinTierney Apr. 01 '12

i had a feeling it was you next...congrats on the feature and the great showcase to go along with it!

13mu Apr. 01 '12


sbdesign Apr. 01 '12

Den, ne vyebyvaisia**please

sbdesign Apr. 01 '12

Nekotorye - prosto - ne znayut:)

vergad Apr. 01 '12

i won't tire of seeing this leafy M on the front page this month. one of my all time favourite logos. congrats on the feature michael.

javaap Apr. 01 '12

Congrats man!!!!!

szende Apr. 01 '12

yes, Congrats!!!!! (:

Mikeymike Apr. 02 '12

C O N G R A T S !! So nice to see you %22M%22 on the front page, Sir. well, well deserved.

Type08 Apr. 02 '12

Gratz buddy, Croatia can only be proud of having you under its flag! Rock on!

logomotive Apr. 04 '12

Gratz Michael!,.. I thought you were already featured :)

wizemark Apr. 04 '12

boom! bravo, bravo!:)

joeprince Apr. 04 '12

Congrats Michael! Well deserved man.

michaelspitz Apr. 06 '12

Thanks so much for all the congrats guys! It's an honor to be featured, and as always, I truly appreciate all the comments and support! Cheers!

brandsimplicity Apr. 06 '12

Congrats Michael! Really find it hard to believe this is your first time featured:)

ocularink Apr. 11 '12

Congrats on the feature, dude! Way to go!

nitish.b Apr. 11 '12

finally...:) conrats splizy

michaelspitz Apr. 13 '12

Thanks again guys! Greatly appreciated!

atomicvibe Apr. 16 '12

Yet another truly deserved feature spot. Many congrats, Spitzy! You totally belong in this category of designers. I remember stalking your work from way back on Flickr. You're one of the best, man. Keep it up!

rudy hurtado Apr. 20 '12

Better late than never Michael, congrats man!

tabithakristen Aug. 14 '13

I didn't know you outsourced this project Michael! hahaha. jk jk.

atomicvibe Aug. 14 '13

@Tabitha, LOL, this designer (I use that word jokingly) is even claiming the new DC comics logo! Not to mention Mike Erickson's Selma Railroad Days logo, among many other obvious rips. What a fuggin' joke!! When will this piracy end?


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