September 11th, 2001

by JoePrince • Uploaded: Jan. 24 '10


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Description: Copyright © 2010 Joe Prince and Admix Designs.
As seen on: Admix Designs
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8754

Lets Discuss

KonradK Jan. 27 '10

I like it very much!

rudy hurtado Jan. 27 '10

I thought I floated this one Joe, here it is again.

JoePrince Jan. 27 '10

Thanks Konrad and Rudy! This design means a lot to me, and many others I'm sure.

boycanfly Feb. 02 '10

Very powerful, the angle of the plane is perfect. Nicely done.

JoePrince Feb. 02 '10

Thank you Dalius and boycanfly!

designoman Feb. 05 '10

Good idea, good logo!

kathariney Feb. 05 '10

my second home.....*respect.

JoePrince Feb. 06 '10

Thank you Alexey and Katharine, cheers!

Tømme Feb. 20 '10

sadly i like this, very nicely done

antyclymax Feb. 20 '10

nice idea ... althou i feel its sentiments are wrong ... tis the lives lost not the accident/incident .. difficult to tackle*

JoePrince Feb. 22 '10

Thank you! It is supposed to be used as a mean of memory and remember the tough times and how we stood together as a nation. In no way should it be taken as negative or derogatory.

JoePrince Mar. 29 '10

Wow that's terrible Nikita.

lifesaverservant Apr. 15 '10

Love this one Joe! Never forget, for sure!

JoePrince Apr. 16 '10

Thanks a lot, this is one of my favorites. I'm thinking of getting shirts made with it. A day we will all remember. Cheers!

adambomb Aug. 04 '10

Mixed feelings about this. Executionally, it's great. And I know that your intentions are good. But I wonder if it would be clearer that it IS indeed a sign of respect if you add the words %22remember%22 or something above it.

JoePrince Aug. 04 '10

Thanks for your concern, Adam. I had a previous version with text below it that read %22we will never forget%22. This is another iteration of the design. *Appreciate the feedback everyone.

Quintus_Maximus Sep. 07 '10

A very powerful logo matey, and I'm sure people will always be reminded by this.

itsgareth Sep. 07 '10

I've held off commenting on this for a while... **I think it's great how you got the plane in the negative space but I really don't see it as a sign of remembering anything other than the fact that the planes hit the towers on that fateful day. I'm sure family members of the victims of the tragedy would rather not be reminded of how their loved ones died in such a painful and traumatic way. I'm guessing they would prefer to be reminded of the times they spent together. **I mean for other tragedies such as Dunblane or Columbine I don't think you would illustrate a person holding a gun? That would be seen as out of taste, so I don't see the difference here.**I'm not hating on you Joe, I just get a strange vibe from this, and think creating memorial type images is a very tricky and sensitive subject.

dannyfranklin Sep. 07 '10

I'm thinking of doing a design of an OJ head with a neck that is angled off but I'm not. Because I don't want to remember some things. I love the execution but the subject is way too easy - and seems to be an attention grab.

JoePrince Sep. 07 '10

@Quintas_Maximus, thank you mate.*@Gareth, thanks for voicing your opinion. This is a very controversial/touchy subject that can be interpreted in many different ways. As you know from your experience in the world of design, it's all about what **you** see in the design.*@dannyfranklin, appreciate the response.

itsgareth Sep. 07 '10

Actually mate, it's not what I or you see it's what the people who the logo is targeted at will see in the logo that really counts. And think the relatives of the victims of 9/11 would find this offensive.

JoePrince Sep. 07 '10

I appreciate your concern, Gareth. I'm not disagreeing with you that some would find this offensive%3B that's very likely to happen with many designs involving historical events. The main attribute of this is to express remembrance and gratitude to those afflicted by the events that day.

JoePrince Sep. 07 '10

Thanks for the response, Tony. You and Gareth both bring interesting points that I will take into consideration. As my intentions with this design were/are purely good, it seems to be too controversial with the plane. The '11' acting as the two towers has been done in several designs and I was trying to make it more original and memorable using the negative space. Cheers man.

tanker79 Jun. 13 '11

Very nice logo! Simple and clean logo design, great work Joe!

hanuman shakti Aug. 26 '11

Oooo...reminds me....aaarrrghh....but simply clean logo

jungblut May. 24 '12

Wow, nothing more to say.

ScoobyOne Mar. 14 '13

I also had the concerns that others here expressed as soon as I saw the logo.

But my conclusion is that it is a very powerful image indeed, and I think it is perfect the way it is.

I think this is a logo that works for maybe a tv show that makes a recap of the hour by hour of that day.

Also, a tag line would make it even better.

analiaChavez1977 May. 08 '13

me dejaste sin palabras, realemte te traspasa el alma


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