by Wizemark • Uploaded: Jan. 12 '10 - Gallerized: Jan. '10
Easy to do, right?
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Lets Discuss
Haha, i think this is ridiculously good :)
Replyi dont get it.. ,:%AC%60
ReplyThanks Anthony, Jacob and Joe.*What exactly you don%60t get, nido? 8 notes, tasks, to-do things arranged as/on a clock where each get the same portion of the time to be completed. Fun way (i believe) to visually present how to get or stay organized. Let me know should i be more detailed. :
Replyi just dont get it... is it a game?... based on a game?... im not following the concept here... that's not your bad.. it just may be that i have never come across this %22thing%22... ?
Replyoh.. u mean 365LP thing? i hope u mean on that. :) It%60s design something daily trip..idea i%60ve started on Jan 1st this year and thought it%60ll be fun. Fairly soon some designers from LP (as well) would have opportunity to take a part (not daily designs). More info to come soon..
Replyooohh... **i dont get it.. ,:%AC%60
Replyfunny guy
Replynice work)
Replyhaha i knew this was yours from the thumbnail %3B )*Good one Srdjan
ReplyThanks, Ivan. Your profile info made me laugh. :D*Thanks, Rich. Really? That%60s flattering.. :)
ReplyI'm really liking this one. The colors feel very comfortable, and it looks like there was a lot of thought put into this.
ReplyIm not saying its good or bad... I am just not getting it... someone please explain... are those clock hands?... and around that are those papers? the bottom right is folded right, why? is it just for looks?... I feel like I missed out on something cause everyone else seems to know what it is or means or represents...
ReplyThanks Anthony and Matthew.
ReplyThis mark rox,%0D*and really deserves the gallery.%0D*%0D*Well done!
Replysorry... all I got was %22you produce phenomenal work%22 %3BD
ReplyI need to reconsider my line of work. I don't get it either. %3B)
ReplyWhy bothering, Anthony? :) Obviously it%60s on purpose which i%60d love to be familiar with.
ReplyYou guys are a trip. Good looking stuff Srdjan.
ReplyDope to the max.
ReplyThanks, Chad and Katie. Appreciate your comments.
ReplyNeat job dude. You gotta love that palette.
ReplyThanks, guys. :) Wonder what nido could do with that palette.*
Replybased on absoludicrous' findings, I quit.
ReplyI thought that looked familiar. I ran across it while checking out people's %23daily365 about a week ago. Nice logo. Way to promote yourself.
ReplyVery nice. I would well use this as a wallpaper.
Reply%22Wonder what nido could do with that palette%22**dunno... maybe make a real logo %3B)... lol
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