Get Organized

by Wizemark • Uploaded: Jan. 12 '10 - Gallerized: Jan. '10


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Description: Easy to do, right?
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Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 14491

Lets Discuss

jn Jan. 12 '10

Haha, i think this is ridiculously good :)

nido Jan. 12 '10

i dont get it.. ,:%AC%60

Wizemark Jan. 12 '10

Thanks Anthony, Jacob and Joe.*What exactly you don%60t get, nido? 8 notes, tasks, to-do things arranged as/on a clock where each get the same portion of the time to be completed. Fun way (i believe) to visually present how to get or stay organized. Let me know should i be more detailed. :

nido Jan. 12 '10

i just dont get it... is it a game?... based on a game?... im not following the concept here... that's not your bad.. it just may be that i have never come across this %22thing%22... ?

Wizemark Jan. 12 '10

oh.. u mean 365LP thing? i hope u mean on that. :) It%60s design something daily trip..idea i%60ve started on Jan 1st this year and thought it%60ll be fun. Fairly soon some designers from LP (as well) would have opportunity to take a part (not daily designs). More info to come soon..

nido Jan. 12 '10

ooohh... **i dont get it.. ,:%AC%60

designabot Jan. 12 '10

haha i knew this was yours from the thumbnail %3B )*Good one Srdjan

Wizemark Jan. 12 '10

Thanks, Ivan. Your profile info made me laugh. :D*Thanks, Rich. Really? That%60s flattering.. :)

mattaebersold Jan. 13 '10

I'm really liking this one. The colors feel very comfortable, and it looks like there was a lot of thought put into this.

nido Jan. 13 '10

Im not saying its good or bad... I am just not getting it... someone please explain... are those clock hands?... and around that are those papers? the bottom right is folded right, why? is it just for looks?... I feel like I missed out on something cause everyone else seems to know what it is or means or represents...

Wizemark Jan. 13 '10

Thanks Anthony and Matthew.

S.vanElderen Jan. 13 '10

This mark rox,%0D*and really deserves the gallery.%0D*%0D*Well done!

nido Jan. 13 '10

sorry... all I got was %22you produce phenomenal work%22 %3BD

firebrand Jan. 13 '10

I need to reconsider my line of work. I don't get it either. %3B)

Wizemark Jan. 13 '10

Why bothering, Anthony? :) Obviously it%60s on purpose which i%60d love to be familiar with.

Chad Sanderson Jan. 14 '10

You guys are a trip. Good looking stuff Srdjan.

Wizemark Jan. 14 '10

Thanks, Chad and Katie. Appreciate your comments.

mabu Jan. 14 '10

Neat job dude. You gotta love that palette.

Wizemark Jan. 14 '10

Thanks, guys. :) Wonder what nido could do with that palette.*

raja Jan. 18 '10

based on absoludicrous' findings, I quit.

starbreaker Jan. 27 '10

I thought that looked familiar. I ran across it while checking out people's %23daily365 about a week ago. Nice logo. Way to promote yourself.

nilsgeylen Feb. 02 '10

Very nice. I would well use this as a wallpaper.

nido Mar. 15 '10

%22Wonder what nido could do with that palette%22**dunno... maybe make a real logo %3B)... lol


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