Say Cheese Photography

by webcore • Uploaded: Jan. 07 '10


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Description: Say Cheese Photography
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 14537

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Jan. 07 '10

Haha awesome. Don't know if Photography needs to be messy though. Love it!

brandsimplicity Jan. 07 '10

You totally nailed this dude!

rudy hurtado Jan. 07 '10

It works well, I can see its applications, well done.

ethereal Jan. 07 '10

Very cool, lot of fun!

michaelspitz Jan. 07 '10

Fun stuff! Well done! :)

ahab Jan. 08 '10

I love this!! Great concept and execution.

A_O_K Jan. 08 '10

Lol .. This is awesome!

logomotive Jan. 08 '10

The only thing I might suggest and it's just a thought but putting the biggest hole of cheese and slightly bigger, directly in center, as in lens.

webcore Jan. 09 '10

Thanks for all your comments! Much appreciated!**@logomotive I agree. I had the same thought yesterday!

oscarcuriel Jan. 12 '10

Very Cool, nice idea! Talk Bubble cheese!

siah-design Jan. 12 '10

Really love this one

webcore Jun. 13 '10

@forga Thanks for the heads up. Bucks before backbone for some it seems! :-(

logomotive Jun. 13 '10

WOW, that really tick me off. This is a GREAT idea and logo so well executed.Love it. Shame on them.

lumo Jun. 13 '10

Was it put up after? Anyways great design here! well done.

lumo Jun. 13 '10

The design here is soooo much better. Really no comparison I think.

pacmanb Jun. 13 '10

Great one, very clever!

Mad Skimo Jun. 13 '10

Yeah! This is great stuff, smart and funny!

webcore Jun. 13 '10

Really proud to be featured!! :D With regards to the concept theft, her logo has been removed by Brandstack.

cseven Jun. 13 '10

Great to see this in the gallery - fantastic on all fronts!

misterm2010 Jun. 14 '10

Great work! Fun!**Can you tell me what typeface (if any) that you used? Would be ideal for a project I am working on. Nothing to do with photography or cheese :)

webcore Jun. 14 '10

Thanks for your all your comments! @misterm2010 Font is %22Cookies%22.

koma Jun. 14 '10

top notch %26 funny too :)

Mikeymike Jun. 14 '10

very clever and cool.

misterm2010 Jun. 14 '10

Brilliant, thank you :)*

SteveG Jun. 15 '10

Hehe! Cute as hell! :-)

webcore Jun. 15 '10

@mcguire I'm not a paying member of logolounge. Can you or anyone else see a timestamp for these logos?

mcguire design Jun. 15 '10

I know one of them was in the first LogoLounge book which was in 2003-2004 publication.

webcore Jun. 15 '10

@mcguire Thanks. I had no idea. :(

mcguire design Jun. 15 '10

No problem, aren't we all just glad that the %22concept theft%22, %22bucks before backbone%22 logo that was on %22BRANDSTACK%22: - was removed, but congrats though on being featured here though.

janzabransky Jun. 15 '10

This is %22the King%22 execution of say cheese concept from all above ideas. Congratulation on doing it.

mcguire design Jun. 15 '10

Oh I get it now, it's all about execution rather than concept and creativity. Well then by all means, bravo! bravo! bravo! By this logic then - I do agree with that this is the best execution, thus far until we see more.

mcguire design Jun. 15 '10

You've got my float for execution!

muse7 Jun. 16 '10

Darling Logo ponders - Don't be so quick to judge. Let me remind you %22Say cheese%22 is the first thing that people say when taking a photograph in the United States. As McGuire Design visually showed you this concept has been used for many photographers, no one owns it. Furthermore, when I was working on flutterpics, Oct. 24 '09 I was also working on this concept. The only reason I didn't put it in my logo pond portfolio is because I was respecting the request of Logo Pond in not posting logos that I plan to sell on brandstack. My concept IS a camera, this one that you want to accuse me of stealing is NOT. It is a dialogue bubble made out of cheese. My camera is a character, complete with eyes, freckles and a smile and yes he is made out of cheese. Oh and most ironic part, webcore only contacted me with threats when they decided they were going to post it on brandstack. This is a sad day indeed.

webcore Jun. 17 '10

@muse7 I usually try to avoid Internet conflict but I fail to see how you have the audacity to make such a claim. This has now evolved into a matter of principle. **You clearly took an existing design of yours (the camera) and hastily formed it into cheese, added a speech bubble, similar brand name and even the same color background to your design. You were essentially trying to sell the same image of yours (the camera) twice on Brandstack (an immorality in itself - which someone else happened to point out in the comments for your logo) in a quick hasty move for a sell a similar concept after viewing the positive feedback for this design on Logopond. We can see this by the fact that the quality of the logo was very poor, whilst the remainder of your work is of a high standard. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind this is the very move you made.**As for %22threats%22 you were sent a polite message as soon as your work was brought to our attention when the work was assumed to be 100%25 original. As highlighted we are now aware that there happens to be many similar designs created in the past and I'm sure there will be more to come - which won't raise such conflicts. The difference in this case however is your clear lack of moral fiber in the fact that you are now going as far to try and push the suggestion that the work (and comments) herein weren't the clear inspiration for you to make such a hasty move. For that reason alone I concur that it is a very sad day indeed - at least on your part.

nitish.b Jun. 17 '10

i dont c anything great about this concept...yes the xcicution has a decent fell.**The idea is to common...IMO

firebrand Nov. 14 '12

Red Five Design are using your design on their site:

type and signs Aug. 25 '14

I think someone is using your design on Talentclipper?? If not ...


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