Elka Minimalista

by epsilon • Uploaded: Dec. 23 '09 - Gallerized: Dec. '09


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Description: Merry Xmas and Happy New Year... minimalistic style !
As seen on: Elka Minimalista 2010
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 9348

Lets Discuss

epsilon Dec. 23 '09

Happy Holidays, everyone !

milou Dec. 24 '09

yeh, merry christmas to all you guys %26 girls!

firebrand Dec. 24 '09

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Alex and all you lovely logo peeps.

JF Dec. 24 '09

Would also work for Christmas 2010 -- I believe MMX is latin for two thousands and a ten. Great flexibility%3B nice work. I'd love to see this in color too.

nexqunyx Dec. 24 '09

Happy Holidays logo freaks! LOL

fogra Dec. 24 '09

Clever. And I thought that MMX only stood for 'Merry, Merry Christmas'.*Enjoy the break Alex %26 to all here on the pond :)

epsilon Dec. 24 '09

JF, color .. bah .. I feel guilty I went with a shade of gray instead of a pure black, and you say %22color%22 :-)

epsilon Dec. 24 '09

Cheers, Joe, Thierry, Milosz, Roy, Patrik, Sean, Dalius, J and everyone who floated. Glad you liked it :-)

epsilon Feb. 03 '10

Updated slightly. Gamma corrected to reduce aliasing effects, changed branches to vary in thickness and re-spaced them proportionally instead of evenly.


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