by Wizemark • Uploaded: Dec. 23 '09 - Gallerized: Dec. '09
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Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Trying to cheer me up? Could be one i guess.. :p
ReplyI like this a lot mate!
ReplyThanks, Alen. I%60m glad you like it. :)
ReplyReally cool!
ReplyThanks, Java.
ReplyI like this a lot, great feel.
ReplyVery cool mate:)
Replycongrats on making the gallery mate!**
ReplyWow, i did? :) Thanks, Sean, Fabian %26 Rich! :)
ReplyWaiting like a little kid too? Made me smile :%5E)
ReplyWell done mate, great work. : )
ReplyThank you, guys! :)
Replyvery cool and unique stuff
Replya good solution for a nice idea!
Replyawesome idea dude
Replydbunk, canerdinc %26 Luke, thanks!
ReplyThis caught my eye straight away. Great mark.**I like the other work in your showcase too.
ReplyCool idea
ReplyVery clever! I like the soft palette, too.
ReplyReally cute stuff. Would you like to design a logo for me please?
ReplyThanks a lot, guys!!*@pkiula Please, mail me at so we can discuss. Thanks.
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