
by vii • Uploaded: Dec. 03 '09


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Description: I used a vertically flipped high note as the "g" and added ledger lines to further play on musical notation.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2612

Lets Discuss

Thrasher317 Dec. 03 '09

Does it read without the music lines?

vii Dec. 03 '09

Yes, it still reads without the lines, but I used the ledger lines because they are used to write high notes (above the staff) in music scores. Symbolically the staff would be %22hi_hnote%22 and so the ledger lines show the position of the high note which is also the %22g%22. The inclusion of the ledger lines was more for musicians. I can post a version without the ledger lines for comparison. Thanks for the comment.


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