
by rob-rob-rob • Uploaded: Dec. 01 '09


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Description: The new Lockument logo.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4591

Lets Discuss

Type08 Dec. 01 '09

Hey 3 times Rob, this would work better if the document clip was on the side of the back panel (more viewable that way and still credible enough)...

rob-rob-rob Dec. 02 '09

And i hope nobody used this conception yet :)

Type08 Dec. 02 '09

Welcome! Nope, I haven't seen the concept of making the doors out of a document folder... Hardly wait for adjustment if you decided to do it :)

OcularInk Dec. 02 '09

I'm almost certain dache did something with a file folder and a door knob not too long ago. I can't seem to find it though. Just so ya know, you might want to look into it further.


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