
by dreamerworx • Uploaded: Mar. 22 '07


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Description: Logo for a coffee bar.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 13505

Lets Discuss

Craven91 Jul. 06 '07

Part of me thinks that if you're going to open up the cup, why not align the type with the opening?%0D*%0D*Was that tried already?%0D*%0D*It just feels a little like a broken cup and maybe having the eye flow from the type, into the mark would solve that problem.%0D*%0D*I think the line weight on the mark is fine the way it is.

dreamerworx Jul. 06 '07

The alignment is the way it is to help the eye finish the cup, the whole of the cup itself and the cup is aligned with the type, not the actual symbol, with the erased part or the handle...

prdeziner Jul. 06 '07

I really like how clean it is. I like that the cup is not complete it works with the weight of the font. I like how you repeated the s and used it as the %22steam%22. My only critique is the capital P everything is so even and lined up I would like to see the top of the P lined up with the rest of the text. Perhaps a lower case P? Great job!


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