by wizmaya • Uploaded: Nov. 27 '09
This was a proposal for "Chimera Capital" but didn't go through. The general concept was to create a bold, fierce and strong logo to express stability and strength as well as beauty and elegance.
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Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
very powerful and cool design... color palette suits it well
ReplyI love this, but the second head needs tweaking. It looks a bit like an afterthought. Since the Lion is facing left and the snake is facing right, what about having the second head looking out? Would give the impression the client sees everything and can't be taken by surprise. Just a thought. :) And add a little something to it graphic wise. Not sure what, but, in comparison to the lion head, it seems weak. One reason why I think that head should be looking straight at the viewer, to make it appear more powerful.
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