by ideoma • Uploaded: Nov. 17 '09 - Gallerized: Sep. '10
This logo was an idea that came up while working on a professional project. We noticed that the letter "h" resembles a giraffe. We worked a bit on that letter and turned it into an hybrid giraffe/h mark hence making it Zoo related.
As seen on:
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Good idea.
Replyis the period supposed to be poo?
Replycuz the period kinda looks like it's supposed to be poo.
Reply%5EI honestly did not notice that until you pointed it out. My mind has been defiled.
ReplyLoL @ logoboom. Nice logo, though! :)
Reply%3DD hannover poo.
Replyfixed it, thanks for the heads up on the orange pooriod.
ReplyI liked it with that poo more, seriously.
ReplyI like this a lot, very brandable stuff - you can make 'h' letter out of many 4-legged animals and this could be an awesome visual identity overall! Very nice!
Replygood one Ideoma
Reply%5Eagreed. This is pretty cool.
Replyi also liked better with the dot but once the poo is in order, i could no longer keep it in the design %3DD thanks for your interest guys.
ReplyAs Alen pointed out, this has HUGE branding potential.
Replythis logo is part of a group of ideas i had lying in my sketch books, i just wanted to put them into vectors i didn't spend much time on the design i chose this type simply because of the serif %22h%22 to draw the giraffe %3D). thanks for the interest guys.
ReplyGREAT mark. Type fits the mark so nicely.
ReplyThanx logomotive it's always nice to get a compliment from a master %3D)
Replysuper cool! i really really love all of it. congrats!
ReplyGreat concept! :)
ReplyReally do love this!
Replythis is so nice! really love this one, good work
Replygreat concept. could definitely make a great branding campaign. have fun. nice.
Reply%5Eindeed, congrats, great job
Replygreat logo :)
ReplyVery nice concept..
ReplyCool.. very modern..
Replyvery cool! im from hannover, just was at the zoo 2 days ago :)
ReplyTop notch.
ReplyLovely mark
ReplyVery, very nice! Bom trabalho!
ReplyWell played man.
ReplyWow! what happened here? %3DD thanx a lot guys your words are meaningfull. All of you have great designs and it's very nice to see our own work apreciated by those who know the business. It's great to be able to work in logo design, creativity i think it's a very nice way of living.
ReplyHey Bud. Can't believe i haven't commented here yet. This is one is just great!
Replyi love this giraffe
Replyjust great !
ReplyOutstanding work!
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