the shooter

by dado • Uploaded: Nov. 06 '09


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Description: Concept for my portfolio of art photography. I have in mind to make me a t-shirt.
As seen on: Flickr
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 11287

Lets Discuss

Momentummagazine Nov. 06 '09

Really cool mark, but the type is pretty boring IMO.

logoboom Nov. 06 '09

Say %22cheese%22! Or I'll blow your frickin' head off.

dado Nov. 06 '09

Hey thank you Joe, i think so, i really focus on the icon, but i accept suggestion, if you have one in your mind, im gonna put it.*Glen: jejejeje, you make me laugh thanks!*Brad: Thnanks!

michaelynch Nov. 06 '09

Very nice, but it may get too complex at a smaller size. Keep it as big as possible. The lower case seems fitting.

dado Nov. 07 '09

thanks for the comments. No type now! :D

Chad Sanderson Nov. 07 '09

I would totally get a t-shirt of this. Send me a message if you get it printed!

rincon Nov. 11 '09

good concept, buen icono my brother

zelionprime Jan. 17 '11

Nice concept Dado. I'm looking to have a photography logo created for my photography studio called %22Lens Out Loud.%22 hit me up on Twitter @FollowSaien.


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