Modern Alien

by mfrank • Uploaded: Nov. 06 '09 - Gallerized: Dec. '10


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Description: Alien/Tie
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 21637

Lets Discuss

itsgareth Nov. 06 '09

What if the tie formed a beam of light and the collar was stylised more to look like a UFO?

itsgareth Nov. 06 '09

Or was that your intention? I dunno, thinking out loud here...I'll shut up now.

Chad Sanderson Nov. 06 '09

Oh man, this is almost there. Once I saw the spaceship, it was hard to see anything else... but I still think it could be a %22tad%22 more clear. What if you thinned out the knot of the tie a little, maybe? Or widened the skinny part (words fail me) or maybe even reduced the thickness of the collar? Just something to learn it a hair more towards 'alien'. I don't know. I'm just rambling now.

itsgareth Nov. 06 '09

%5E is there any echo in hereeeeeeeeee eeeeeerree? %3B)

mfrank Nov. 06 '09

Well this is really interesting. I didn't even see the spacecraft myself! lol. I was trying to make an alien figure%3B torso, head, arms. I can definitely gear it towards a spacecraft. %3B)

logomotive Nov. 06 '09

I say the alien with arms out right away very clever.

logomotive Nov. 06 '09

Kinda looks like a praying mantice.

logomotive Nov. 06 '09

Ha no just trying to help those that can't see it. I think the collar could be slightly improved though not so sharp perspective, might help bring head shape more round.

brad todd Nov. 06 '09

I definitely saw mantis alien first, but after reading the comments I also see UFO beaming someone up. You could probably use this as a psychologists ink blot as well!

mfrank Nov. 06 '09

Thanks for the positive feedback everyone.**I rounded out the head more. Hopefully this helps?..

megashred13 Nov. 06 '09

nice one...i love this!

Chad Sanderson Nov. 06 '09

lol. I just realized I basically repeated exactly what gareth said.

mfrank Nov. 06 '09

Thanks Tony, jcraz, megashred, Mike, Chad and Gareth. Whew! Forget anyone? %3B)**--I swear I updated the logo..maybe not...but the head is now more of an oval.

firebrand Nov. 17 '09

Here we go again. When will it end?

Hayes Image Nov. 17 '09

Either when computer virus' start infecting people...or, the coming of the robot war.

OcularInk Nov. 17 '09

It's never going to end. Unfortunately, the world is full of dishonest people.

megashred13 Nov. 17 '09

%5Eha just saw that one...they're getting more and more bold...

chad_hatz Nov. 17 '09

keep up the good work Matt.. I think we may be the only peeps in ND on this site. lol and in the same city. Check out some of my revised BS logos. I am looking in rebranding the business but not sure how to go.

mfrank Nov. 17 '09

Thanks Stephen and James for filling me in. That really sucks. Too bad I can't critique on his logo......*

logomotive Nov. 17 '09

%5E WOW what a jerk. Only one he has red flagged too.

logomotive Nov. 17 '09

%5Eit's suppose to represent a figure also David, not just a tie IMO

logomotive Nov. 17 '09

Regardless you can't just go grabbing someone else's artwork and use for your own. They are identical.

OcularInk Nov. 17 '09

David, look closer. The tie portion of the image is exactly the same. The other designer simply cut out part of the oval shape at the top and added a weird looking eye and party hat.

logomotive Nov. 17 '09 You decide. Sorry for muddying up your post mfrank.

epsilon Nov. 17 '09

Yup, it is clearly a rip.

mfrank Nov. 17 '09

Thanks Mike for looking out for me and don't worry about all the posts.**I hate pointing fingers because I did this just for fun. However, you got to be kidding me that his only solution for his logo was to make the tie look exactly like mine. Come doesn't even look natural with what he has going on in his logo. There are definitely other ways he could have drawn the tie to fit better with his logo....but I don't want to start nit picking at his logo.**I'd like to hear his thoughts...**

mfrank Nov. 17 '09

Dave, *To play devil advocates back..(not to step on your toes or anything..just expression my thoughts)..isn't it in a creative's mind to make sure logos don't look the same? Give me a piece of paper/pencil and I'd be happy to redraw a tie/collar with different styles/looks. I don't buy that there are a few to none ways to do this....otherwise I'm not being true to myself.

jn Jan. 04 '10

very creative - nice work**

OcularInk Jan. 27 '10

Just an FYI, Matt, another logo has been added to BS that uses the same collar approach. You might want to report it.

mfrank Jan. 27 '10

%5EThanks Kev. I will.

Mikeymike Dec. 28 '10

nice gallery showing, mathew!!!:) nice indeed, buddy.

panic_attack Jan. 14 '11

awesome logo, keep up good work

panic_attack Jan. 14 '11

I just realized I basically repeated exactly what gareth said.


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