
by geniuslogo • Uploaded: Oct. 28 '09 - Gallerized: Oct. '09


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Lets Discuss

Thrasher317 Oct. 28 '09

Nice execution on the mark. Unfortunately, I think your type doesn't mesh well with the fish. %22What?!%22 you say. %22But it looks like Long John Silver's and Long John Silver's serves fish!%22 I would have to agree with you, but the mark is smooth, thick and rounded, yet the type is varied and flat edged. I would find a more balanced font for your more than balanced mark. Good luck!

logomotive Oct. 28 '09

No the Fish is great, I disagree about it looking like LJS. but do agree the type could be improved. I like your fishy.

geniuslogo Oct. 28 '09

Thanks for comment-I will redraw for a second %3B)

logomotive Oct. 28 '09

Oh and point the fishy %3E that way.

Thrasher317 Oct. 28 '09

Type is getting better. The f gets a bit thin at the top though. Also, maybe increase the kerning a bit? It's a bit closed in. Good luck.

firebrand Oct. 28 '09

What an amazing fish - genius.

tass Oct. 28 '09

Yeah, the fish looks great!

logomotive Oct. 28 '09

The Type is just as important as the mark IMO. still needs work to compliment your AWESOME Fishy.

Lecart Oct. 28 '09

I think the new type works.

logomotive Oct. 28 '09

You need to track the letters. You have a lot of white space in the fish. Also maybe use a typeface with slightly rolled ends. Just my 2 cents.

logomotive Oct. 28 '09

and reduce mark a little or bump up type.

m1sternoname Oct. 28 '09

hmm.. a lot of ideas floating around here.. I say: loose the Barmeno (if it is Barmeno), keep the fish pointed to the left and -indeed- the mark could be bigger imho :) But you are really on to someting here!

logomotive Oct. 28 '09

%5E LoL are you ridiculing me? Love it.

geniuslogo Oct. 28 '09

Thanks again guys...yes I have the problem with typo, but will be something for this one %3B) This one is just temporary :)

fogra Oct. 28 '09

Nice fishy. Vag Rounded for the type might work.

Lecart Oct. 28 '09

Hmm.. you've changed a few types, the new one (curly) doesn't go to well..

Chad Sanderson Oct. 28 '09

I like this! I wouldn't be able to tell you how fitting the type is better than mike, but the mark is fabulous.

ethereal Oct. 28 '09

I never saw the first iterations of this but this here looks nice. One little nit pick I have right now though is the type is kind of stuck between being committed to being wider than the symbol and wanting to look like it's the same width as the symbol. Personally I'd like to see the type width the same as the symbol width.

logomotive Oct. 28 '09

That looks pretty darn good now.

JohnM Oct. 28 '09

wow! that's one cool fish!

cerise Oct. 28 '09

That's very nice a very nice fish

Type08 Oct. 29 '09

This is not fish man! This is worth fish and a half! :) Well 'cooked' my friend!

m1sternoname Oct. 29 '09

Yeah, what Roy said: Spot on!

JF Oct. 29 '09

Genius, what type is this? Custom or font -- and which one if font? :) Outstanding work.

muse7 Oct. 29 '09

Love it! Because of the continuous line, I almost want to see what an fl ligature would look like. Might give the typo that little extra special touch the mark already achieves. That said the type is a perfect match.

Thrasher317 Oct. 29 '09

Now it's finished %3B) Nice work. Thanks for taking the feedback well.

brandsimplicity Oct. 29 '09

Damn dude...this rocks!

dannygdammit Oct. 30 '09

I would remove the part of the description saying that it looks like someone else's logos.. I think it's your own and it's cool.. kudos

OcularInk Oct. 30 '09

Agree. %5E Nice job on finding the right type treatment too. :-)

RGD Oct. 30 '09

Fish and type look good! Great looking job.

efficientideas Oct. 30 '09

Looks nice but the type doesn't match as good as it should do it. On the other hand the fish isvery elegant.

bigjerk Nov. 03 '09

f %3C--%3E i could be tighter, a ligature perhaps.

Stephen James Nov. 05 '09

This is awesome, I'd like to see the fish going %3E as it would be flowing with the text and not against it, also moving forward.. Just a thought..! '*Nice work.

Thrasher317 Nov. 11 '09

My wife and I were talking the other night about how she likes to design right to left because she's left handed. Just wondering if you were left handed geniuslogo?

geniuslogo Nov. 12 '09

No-I'm a right handed :)

mabu Nov. 27 '09

Love the simplicity.

nickhood Aug. 02 '11

This is really nice work. Great colors and your font matches perfectly.


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