by Lecart • Uploaded: Oct. 27 '09 - Gallerized: Mar. '10
Logo redesign for a jewelry store. wip.
As seen on:
my portfolio
Client work
Lets Discuss
Sophisticated, suits well I think. Only the 'ev' looks a bit thin.
ReplyThanks for the floats and comment. :) Do you guys spot the necklace?
ReplyI do now. I have to admit that I didn't see that at all before, but now its completely obvious.
ReplyOk, issall good then. Also thanks for the floats.
ReplyYou nailed it dude.
Reply%5EYou said it Mabs.
Replynice lecart
Replywell, just found out this is going to be published in the logonest book, i'm pretty excited about it 'cause this is my first feature of this nature. :) %22Link%22:
ReplyVery nice :)*That's cool about Logonest. What's that place about anyway? I went to submit a logo there and I read that they won't accept logos that are 'Made for Fun' or 'For Sale' but when I looked at the Selected Logos, I noticed that most of them have been on Brandstack lol
Reply%5E Tab - They will accept logos that were made for sale at one time but have been sold and are off the market. They said they want to avoid the scenario where a logo accepted into their book could then possibly be completely changed or edited by the designer. The Brandstack logos that they have selected are designs that have been sold.
Replycongratz on the gallery spot, well deserved
ReplyClassy and elegant. Nice typography and great color choice! Really love the natural look.
ReplyI agree the logo is very elegant and really works well for the purpose. Great work lecart.
ReplyThanks everyone, much appreciated!
ReplyI like this a lot. Nice and clean, classy. Great job.
ReplyThis is sweet type mate!
ReplyLike the type too :)
ReplySensual calligraphy
Replynice %22s%22
ReplyHey when did you redo your site man? Looks really good :)
ReplyHey thanks everyone! Joe, I actually did it some time ago, planning to change it again, also to rebrand. Lots of work ahead.
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