auro travels

by dotflo • Uploaded: Oct. 19 '09 - Gallerized: Oct. '09


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Description: logo for a small travel agency that wanted a new look. An A formed by air routes (this is the final version,the client wanted auro and travels on two separate lines)
Status: Client work
Viewed: 21173

Lets Discuss

JF Oct. 19 '09

Phenomenal work. Gorgeous in its simplicity.

gunterschobel Oct. 19 '09

yeah, nicely executed

logoboom Oct. 19 '09

I dig the simplicity too.

jetobar Oct. 19 '09

Like it but look a bit startrek to me

dotflo Oct. 20 '09

thanks for your support guys...and thanks david for the gallery spot

Yglo Oct. 20 '09

Great logo, good colors! :)

birofunk Oct. 20 '09

looks great, well deserved of the gallery spot!

lundeja Oct. 20 '09

This is excellent stuff, dotflo. I wouldn't change a thing - spot on.

dotflo Oct. 20 '09

thanks again, Jared i hope the client chooses this one too:)

dadado Oct. 21 '09

cleaver concept, perfect execution! The longer %22L%22 at the end of the type makes the perfect balance.

imullan Oct. 22 '09

dotflo... great work. I need a logo created - can I contract you somehow?

dotflo Oct. 22 '09

hi imullan, you can contact me at [email protected]

JF Oct. 22 '09

Oh my goodness, if the client doesn't choose this one, they would be losing a very marketable, solid, and lucrative brand for their business. Can't imagine why anyone would argue with a design this spectacular. %0D*%0D*Show 'em the gallery placement, and build value that way. Sometimes, clients that are 'lost in the woods' as far as taste can take the direction of others...if many, many others seem to be going in an opposite %5Bie: better%5D direction than them.%0D*%0D*Good luck with that. The sell is always an odd dance. %0D*

dotflo Oct. 22 '09

Hey guys, I uploaded another version of this one here at the clients request to see what your opinions are, because he's a little bit undecided.*

dotflo Oct. 22 '09

You see JF in this business the client is the one who has the final word..we can only try to do a good job every time.

mathiew Oct. 22 '09

thumbs up dude .. remarkable

OcularInk Oct. 22 '09

This version is far more effective. Hopefully your client will agree.

tass Oct. 22 '09

What i like the most of this version is the things you can imagine regarding this symbol. Very nice work.

logomotive Oct. 22 '09

Undecided, are you kidding? this is the one. Great IMO.

logomotive Oct. 22 '09

Also reminds me of the UPS commercial explaining the logo and the travels of delivery from point A to point B.

Type08 Oct. 22 '09

I know how it goes with the clients Flo, but this one def (and still) gets my vote, if that means anything to you...

dotflo Oct. 23 '09

Thank u for your opinions, they do mean a lot to me, i tried to tell the client that this is more appropriate for him, but in the end is his decision (he made a suggestion however to try this version and use more vibrant color like the otherone has, so i'm gonna try that)*Thanks again guys, cheers

michaelynch Nov. 06 '09

Great colors and curves.

dotflo Nov. 24 '09

happy to anounce that the client choosed this version, I made a few clor changes, but this is it

mabu Feb. 12 '10

Lovely work my friend.

AlexWende Jun. 26 '10

wow, haven't seen this one. Great work!!

Pierro Sep. 21 '10

Nice more! Clever!


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