by andresousa • Uploaded: Oct. 12 '09
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Description: . Status: Just for fun Viewed: 11114 Share:
Nice idea.
Now there's a good concept! It's usable and well done. I admit, when I saw the thumbnail I didn't think it was by you. Nice work.
lol and I didn't mean your other stuff isn't, it's just a different style from what I've seen so far.
thanks guys :)
My wife is a lab technologist, we both love this logo. Quite clever. Great job.*
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Nice idea.
ReplyNow there's a good concept! It's usable and well done. I admit, when I saw the thumbnail I didn't think it was by you. Nice work.
Replylol and I didn't mean your other stuff isn't, it's just a different style from what I've seen so far.
Replythanks guys :)
ReplyMy wife is a lab technologist, we both love this logo. Quite clever. Great job.*
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