by Logomotive • Uploaded: Sep. 26 '09
What me mum calls me when she's mad. My Middle name is Todd. An MT (Michael Todd) or MTE (Michael Todd Erickson)Monogram, depending on how you see it .Copyright Mike Erickson and Logo Motive Designs. © 2009
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Guess it could also work for Michael Todd Erickson too.
Replyinteresting symbol
ReplyThanks Gizmo, If I should ever have to abandon my Logomotive web this perhaps could be my backup plan.
ReplyGreat work. Almost makes me want to get my own mom mad at me to see if I get inspired.
ReplyLove it dude
ReplyLove you too dude %3B)
ReplyThought i should explain my comment earlier incase people think %22wtf!%22.**On some occasions it can seem that some people jump the gun and almost accuse people of copying or being overly inspired, which doesn't really show much faith in other designers. It's a touchy subject but when you work hard on a logo and people try to accuse you of stealing or copying, it can be really disrespectful. In many cases it has to be done though as there are so many people ripping off ideas from others.**:)
Reply...on this one or Chad Sanderson's Henegee logo.
ReplyJust got given my topic for my final Honours year at University.**how graphic designers pay homage to other art and re-use in graphics. Some people would think this is plagiarism and that copying shouldn't be done but its fairly normal practice in graphics.**Quite relevant!**
ReplyI meant minor difference but you get the point of bitmap fonts and nothing groundbreaking there. More conceptual than actual style.
ReplyDoing anything for self - always difficult double. %3D)
ReplySometimes I just like to talk to myself :)
Reply%5EStalker! Hi Nima.
ReplyNima, CRAZYmotion. Locomotion logowannabe or whatever your name is. YOU are flippin crazy. I thought I was until you came along. WHY are you using Locomotion? KOOKOO
Replygrab some popcorn. Your quite the entertainer.
ReplyOK then just have a KIT KAT
ReplyGosh this is almost funner than designing logos (or ripping them off). Whichever you prefer.
Reply@Tonfue Super Size and a Milkshake.
Reply%5EHaha I feel like I should be paying extra to see all of this!
Reply%5E yeah this guy is def. taking design and production time away but I guess If your a thief you don't need production time. Nice break I guess.
ReplyAHH Nima arms out and all We Love ya too but.... Ethics are equally important amongst us designers.
Reply%5E YEP it's Nima for sure %3B)
ReplyYeah Me and David hang out together all the time. Just how it goes bro. It's not what you know it's who you know.
ReplyAre they Hiring? Not a bad idea.
ReplyListen Sonny, I've been designing long enough K? I have clients. That sounds like a Threat upon LP not me. Bye Bye
Reply%5E Ya cause he would have ripped you a new one. This guy just threatened LP!!
Replyoh dude .. i really hope you are writing through a chain of anonymous proxies
Reply%5E no kidding.
Replyonce a cheater, always a cheater. Ever heard that, Nima/Locomotion?* Where's David?
ReplyYa know your really ruining this for everyone. Just shut up! Pardon my french.
ReplyMike? can he take LP down? is that possible?
Reply%5EHaha. Probably stole that line from someone else!
ReplyIsn't the place to search for *same ideas*?
ReplyWhat you did was immoral, and its impossible to trust your integrity as a designer, but I think you contributed a lot to logopond, even if it was just (misplaced) inspiration. Be easy.
ReplyWheres the Climax? get get it guys? LOL Ok good night.
Reply%5ESure do. He's watching right now I'm sure of it. Just give it time. Night Mike. By the way, nice monogram!
ReplyNima, you had your second chance. You blew it.
ReplyWhy did he get booted?
Replyah right i see. Always a shame to see stuff like this.
ReplyWheres Elvis?
ReplyI'll let people plagiarize in peace next time. I'm sure it would have been different if I emailed you at an address I'm unsure of and then you banned his account, he wouldn't have been angry in the slightest. Apologies all around.
Reply@Mike, and all this because of your mad mum and middle name.. %3B)
Replythis whole episode was %22badily spaced%22...!
ReplyYeah none of it makes sense anymore. Lots of missing links. **@Geek I don't know where Nima or Locomotion is, Do you?
ReplyTo be fair, it was either you keep up some evidence of it or you are basically bombarded with questions about %22Who is locomotion and why is he berating people?%22 Also how would I know it was you deleting his showcase and not him? Maybe I'm being melodramatic, but you basically blamed me for a DDOS which had nothing to do with me and in my experience, it is generally bad practice to blame your community as being the cause of such a malicious attack. **As far as a contact in the footer goes, it's not exactly in your face and I doubt I'm the only one who's missed it. I didn't point this out for any sort of recognition or %22hey good job!!!! WTG!%22 I did it because he was throwing out accusations of plagiarism all over the place and I wanted to point out his hypocrisy. It's not like I went searching far and wide for the material, half of it had already been pointed out in comments that I guess most people just missed/ignored. Whatever though, David. It's your site.
ReplyIn my opinion, plagiarists are no different than identity thieves. Haha, that's actually kind of funny. But seriously, this should be a criminal offense.
ReplyWOW!!! What did I miss?
ReplyDamn, I missed all the things Nima/locowhocares had to say. Also, like the mark Mike.
ReplyAnother thing Mike. Did his avatar look like yours as well?
Reply%5E I wonder what happened to Nima.
ReplyLol just rereading this one and It does not make sense now :)
ReplyHaha Mike. You sure do like talking to yourself, eh? :P
Reply%5E yup looks that way huh? I argue with myself too.
Reply%5E If only your mum was on logopond. She'd quiet your inner arguing self with %22Michael Todd%22 and put an end to it. peace!
ReplyOh Ashley if only you knew me Mum. You think I speak my opinion? never met me MUM.LOL!
ReplyHehe, pond of randomness with the discussion here. Anyhow, I have dropped by to express my love for this one!
Replyso clear
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