diagonal pixel

by saltshaker911 • Uploaded: Aug. 25 '09


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Description: this a logo design i made combining the company first initials "dp" and i tried to make it look like a solid modern looking logo design , i hope you like it .
As seen on: http://saltshaker911.deviantart.com/art/Diagonal-P
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 10437

Lets Discuss

bredlipe Aug. 25 '09

good colors! but I am seeing a small emptiness in the right side. what you think?

!mude Aug. 25 '09

I really like the mark. I'm not sure this gives me a pixel feeling, and I think the logo might balance better if it was scaled down and the text was placed more to the right and up. Just an idea - anyways looks real great.**Hmm, wait a minute - now I just opened the link and it actually looks pretty cool in action :)

libran005 Aug. 25 '09

Loved the loopy feel to it...looks better on the site...

saltshaker911 Sep. 02 '09

@ libran005: the link you provided was posted at october 2008 , and i first submitted this logo concept for another client %22dance people%22 back in June 2008 , and you can see it here http://saltshaker911.deviantart.com/art/Dance-People-Logo-Stationery-89907464 .so i hope this makes it clear for you this design is original and not made after any other design .

tass Sep. 03 '09

It doesn't make me think of a diagonal but it looks very nice!


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