pandabuzz 1

by muse7 • Uploaded: Aug. 24 '09


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Description: pandabuzz is a playful character based logo. The name is illustrated through a panda speech bubble and a humorous interpretation on the word buzz having the panda's tail double as a bee stinger. This concept came to fruition based on feedback from LP members about the panda's tail, at which point I revisited my illustration and realized the character's full potential.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 5567

Lets Discuss

logoboom Aug. 24 '09

Hey aka Ashley... I like this font treatment better. I wonder, to really sell the stinger idea...could the bottom section of the panda be yellow with another (or two black stripes)? It might be too much but I'd love to see it.

muse7 Aug. 24 '09

Logoboom, glad you stopped by - thanks. Logoguppy suggested a font change- I agreed.*Bet you would :) I contemplated it and thought it would be over the top. Also, If I did %22bee up%22 the panda, wouldn't I lose the speech bubble and thus the association to buzz as communication... a delicate balance my friend. But perhaps for giggles I'll make this panda buzzworthy! on another page of course. to be continued...

JohnM Aug. 24 '09

ha! this one type is definitely an improvement...looking good...i was thinking more in lines of a sans serif font with the two Zs tweaked a bit to create a little buzz in the type work too...

JohnM Aug. 24 '09

btw i'm logoguppy :-)

muse7 Sep. 10 '09

Thanks JohnM - got it*Thank you leiliunet - appreciate you dropping in with a smile.

Premonsa Sep. 30 '09

this is very funny :D


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