Rocket Bubble

by michaelspitz • Uploaded: Aug. 14 '09


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Description: Personal exploration.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 3,909

Lets Discuss

michaelspitz Aug. 31 '09

@itsgareth - 'Seriously?' Any interest in clarifying?

logomotive Aug. 31 '09

I think what Gareth is getting at is Logopond is turning into Brandstack. Maybe Brandstack should just create a Gallery.

logomotive Aug. 31 '09

In my own way of putting it as nicely as I can.

logomotive Aug. 31 '09

Do you REALLY think that this would work for a TECH Co. a Consulting Co. Do you think the target audience would take the Co. Serious. This %22might%22 work for a kids bubble co.?

lundeja Aug. 31 '09

Funny thing is that Brandstack did create an *inspiration* gallery but evidently no one uses it.

michaelspitz Aug. 31 '09

@logomotive @ itsgareth - Gotcha... There's no doubt I do a lot of this work in my spare time, getting away from the flow of the work I normally do (I don't pretend to represent otherwise) It's a fun creative outlet...and if anyone cares to pick up on the 'madness that flows out of my head' and possible throw something my way in the process...I just don't see the harm...**Say what you will about Bandstack and 'logos for sale'...I'm sure I have my own reservations. But people want creative thinkers, and it obvious that places like Brandstack and Logopond leave room to showcase these kind off the wall sort of thing in view of those people potentially looking to buy them... (In all honesty, I've clearly had a dramatic spike in branding work inquiries in the past couple months due to my posts on here and Brandstack) I mean, who wouldn't be interested in doing interresting work right... Like most designers would's all business.**As far as Logopond goes, I've found many of the comments and suggestions invaluable! (Yours included) Especially since I've been sitting a little 'further off the gird' then I'm generally used to...the ability to get such a volume of feedback from such a diverse group of designers has been a truly excellent experience!**On the other hand...I'm not sure input like 'Seriously?' is necessarily a productive form of commentary...?**To be sure, I'm a big fan of Gareths work and your own...and I can hear the argument for the specialized gallery... But considering the %5Enon-specific comment, would you consider that we're actually faulting the work, or merely the arena where it's been put on display...?**Sorry for the rant...thanks for reading if you got this far...I do appreciate the clarification.**All The Best,*Michael

michaelspitz Aug. 31 '09

*Typo: That should be %22GRID%22 not %22GIRD%22... :)

logomotive Aug. 31 '09

Fair enough. I also think that Gareth might be stating that this is not all that original also. As it IS a Rocket in a Bubble?? Just thinking out loud and calling it how I see it. Maybe too much Inspiration? especially since it's for sale.

fogra Aug. 31 '09

In fairness though, there is an awful lot of logo duplication going on here at the moment - deliberate or otherwise.

firebrand Aug. 31 '09

Without wishing to alienate BS users I think Logopond is becoming something of a staging area for Brandstack, which is why we are seeing so many ridiculous concoptions and regurgitated ideas. I think at the very least the constant plugging of Brandstack in the logo description should be curtailed. Logopond's in danger of losing it's identity.

itsgareth Aug. 31 '09

Michael, please accept my apologies. i really did not intend to start an online pile-on and I should have elaborated more on my initial comment. I was in fact referring to the very %22salesy%22 description you gave for this logo. I was always under the impression that this kinda thing was frowned upon round here, but maybe the rules have changed...I don't know.%0D*%0D*There is of course the comparison to that logo Mike linked to, maybe it's a coincidence? Maybe not..I don't want to start a war here though. You're right this is business, so let's play fair everyone.%0D*%0D*Again, please accept my apologies, I will be going back into my cave now.

logomotive Aug. 31 '09

%5E weenie,.. all come join ya.

nido Aug. 31 '09

%22this is business, so let's play fair everyone.%22... :)... last time i checked business was all %22cut-throat%22...

michaelspitz Aug. 31 '09

Wow...! Pile up indeed... (I didn't even finish my first comment before it hit!) :)**@itsgareth - No worries! :) I think it's much more likley I that started the storm... I'm sure this is probably a touchy subject for a lot of people (it's an old discussion) In my mind, it's all just promotion...mostly good hopefully!! :) Regarding the description it's 'COPY/PASTED from the Brandstack site...and what that tells me is that I clearly need to rethink my sales strategy! %3B) If you break it down, it's all just a big joke... If someone digs a design, chances are they aren't getting won over by a cheesy sales pitch...**In all honestly I really had no intention of forcing an appologies to anyone I may have rubbed the wrong way! Trust me, I'm deffenitley not in the mood for grandstanding...nor do I have any interest in damaging an industry that I'm thoroughly invested in!***Regarding Logocraves 'sitebubble'... I had no idea he'd posted it previously (that's shoddy research on my part) Plus, given his recent re-upload date, I thought I might have actually beat him to the punch... %3B) As for inspiration, my target web address was (that's it) It's a 'rocket powered bubble' much further do you want to take it? :) My original version for the mark was uploaded even earlier, but no so early as to surpass Logocraves it sounds like... I certainly commend logocrave on his work. The brand name on my part, mihgt not have been a stroke of genius by some gagues...but it sounds pretty catchy to me! %3B)**@Logomotive - To be honest, I have no idea what industry this would work for :) (it's a required field...) Although media/design is a viable possibiliy... But does that really say anything about the mark? I'm just saying...**@lundeja - Agreed. I actually have a couple logos up there myself, but obviously it's not ideally setup for that purpose or it would be used more readily.**@firebrand - I hear what you're saying, but again I'd refer you back to the quality of the work... All I'm saying is that I don't like to fracture my portfolio...for me it's all work, and it's all a good indication of the work I 'can do'... Again, this all goes back to the idea of personal promotion... Of course if any Logopond purists feel hurt by Brandstack'esque inclusions, I do apologize, and would certainly consider a middle ground the future.**@nido - Definitely along the lines of what I'm talking about...but I have little interest in the actual %22throat cutting%22...! :) Thanks for the comment!**As of right now 'and not necessairly for lack of trying...' I haven't sold a single mark on Brandstack %3B) If you check my %22prices%22 you'll see I'm not 'lowballing' things...they're more of a rough indication... (I was offered %24150 for a mark the other day but turned it down outright...) Despite a lack of actual sales...I am very happy with the interest the work has stirred up! :)****PS. Weenie or not! :) I think I'd be more than happy to wrap this discussion up and follow Garreth back into the cave!!! :)**You know I love you guys! %3B)**Cheers!*Michael

michaelspitz Aug. 31 '09

%5EDamn that's a long ass comment.....!

logomotive Aug. 31 '09

%5E I meant I'll come join ya not all. Another freudian slip. Michael no worries bro. All is fair in Love and War and Logos too. %3B) Not meant to offend ya. Carry on.

michaelspitz Aug. 31 '09

@logomotive - Roger that! Thanks Mike :)

dbunk Aug. 31 '09

Well played Michael, Learnt a few lessons :)*

michaelspitz Aug. 31 '09

@dbunk - Cheers! :) At least from 'madness' comes something... :) Appreciate the comment!

javaap Aug. 31 '09

Now that's a civil way to deal with misunderstandings, kudos!!

michaelspitz Sep. 01 '09

@javaap - Ha! Now all we need is a couple beers and we're set! %3B) Thanks for stopping by, and 'keeping the traffic moving'! %22Nothing to see here folks...%22 Cheers! :)

michaelspitz Sep. 04 '09

@ClimaxDesigns - Thanks for the rhetorical question... %3B)

michaelspitz Jun. 12 '10

**Hmm...***Does anyone have any thoughts on this %3E%3E %3Ca href%3D%22 MISSION%3C/a%3E**%26**Supposed %22development shots%22 via %3E%3E %3Ca href%3D%22*

michaelspitz Jun. 12 '10

%5EWe're working to resolve the issue...


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