Volume Studios revised

by ckee • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '09


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Description: I changed the squares representing volume into rectangles and added more. I chose a lot more vibrant colors so I didnt need the silly drop shadow. Thanks a lot for the critiques, I love what you guys said and it helped out a lot!
Status: Student work
Viewed: 9206

Lets Discuss

ckee Jul. 22 '09

Thanks so much! Im glad you both like it! I revised it based off some comments and am very pleased with the outcome.

topfuel Jul. 26 '09

Great idea...IMO tighten up the letters.

NeilMcDonald Dec. 16 '09

Chris, just to let you know, I came up with this concept a while back ... http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/40736


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