Forma Humana(TM)

by bartodell • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '09 - Gallerized: Jul. '09


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Description: This is branding for a new affordable specialty brand of shampoos, conditioners, lotions and soaps. The name means "the human form" in Spanish and the brand carries the tagline "Touched by Nature(TM)". I felt along with the client that an integration of a human form with a nature element would fit nicely.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 13786

Lets Discuss

dannygdammit Jul. 22 '09

I like this use of color the best

sdijock Jul. 22 '09

I prefer the colors on this one but don't like the way the color just ends when it gets to the leaf. You should create an opacity mask and let the color blend out to nothing instead of making it a hard stop.

sdijock Jul. 22 '09

Nice font BTW. What is it?

bartodell Jul. 22 '09

Thanks Danny. Sdijock it is a highly modified version of Myriad Pro Semibold. :)

gyui Jul. 22 '09

i like this concept but I am also wondering about the fill transitioning into the hand.

bartodell Jul. 22 '09

Thanks for the comments everyone. This was a previous concept that was not selected. Therefore I did not refine this as much as needed, for instance the color fill. The final branding can be found at this link...

mabu Jul. 26 '09

Awesome job, Bart!

Tømme Jul. 26 '09

beatifully executed!

relate Jul. 26 '09

Hey bartodell, great mod to the Myriad Pro Semibold font. Did you use a font program to do that, or another method? If you used a font program, might I ask which one? Love the mods%3B great balance.

dudafugaz Oct. 03 '09

Definitivamente esta mejor este que el del link que pones como el resultado final... obviamente con muchos de los retoques sugeridos por otros antes... de dondes sos bart?? saluda Eliseo desde argentina!! %3B)

ColinTierney Oct. 13 '11

again, nice work here.


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