by Logomotive • Uploaded: Jul. 16 '09
Iron Mountain Workshop logo. I'm liking this one. WIP..
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
I like! I like! Love that %22I%22 and %22M%22 are part of the mountain range! So very clever. Your work inspires me. And hey, if you ever want to comment on one of my designs, I'd really, really appreciate it. I like your style!
ReplyThanks alldesign. I will check out your work.
ReplyI'm really liking this one, too. Awesome solution
ReplyThanks Siah, Means a lot to me.
ReplyNice. Check the spelling, it reads %22Iron MounTIAN%22.
ReplyTry inverting the hinge line on the %22M%22. It would make it look better.
ReplyMe too (I'm liking it)
ReplyYou make it look easy. Quit devaluing my work :(
ReplyTypo aside, this is simple and clever - great mark Mike.
Replybrilliant and simple, its an awesome mark.
Reply@JMC boy that's embarrassing. :) THANKS though would hate to see that go through and get published. good eye. Thanks guys.
Reply@ jared it is easy %3B)
ReplyNice work once again!
ReplyHahaha. I love the %22I'm liking this one%22 in the description. I'm liking it too, bud. Nice work.
ReplyThanks guys.*@JMC I was thinking that while designing, the problem was it changed the angles, but I managed to work it out and agree it does look better.
Replydoes remind me of Adidas...
ReplyThanks nima and graphite.
ReplyThis one needs to be in the gallery. Seems as though the gallery is a fickle mistress%3B a few of those designs in there aren't half as good as this one. Great job, logomotive.
ReplyNow this is great!
ReplyWhen I saw this logo the first time, it rememberd me of the Adidas-logo:
ReplyThanks Relate,and JMC. Yeah Jex I'm pretty sure we have all seen the Adidas logo before.
ReplyThis one works way better than the other option.
ReplyI'm looking for a logo and ran across this site. What is this site purpose? I don't understand what does.
ReplyThank you,
The site is based on works in progress,unused concepts,Actual works and works for Fun. It can be confusing and crazy around here but most have the rights to their intellectual property. It's an Inspirational site for designers, but not a place to steal.
ReplyDavid should probably answer, but for me it has always been, first and foremost, a site for logo designers to get inspiration from other logo designers. Secondly it is also a forum for logo designers to get critique and praise (and sometimes a good kick in the butt) on their ideas, execution, style and design of their logos. Thirdly, and this I do not think was ever in the initial thinking of putting this site together, it helps us find thieves of our work. And not just those who take lock, stock and barrel, but those who appropriate ideas as well. A minor part of that is the unintentional over inspiration or the same idea coming out a little too similar. Overall a great site. Oh, and you can find designers here if not logos.
ReplyYou guys have summed it up :D
ReplyThey made this site for me... to appease me.
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