by Siah-Design • Uploaded: Jul. 11 '09 - Gallerized: Jul. '09
Logo for a talented Ohio based photographer.
Copyright Josiah Jost and Siah Design © 2009
Copyright Josiah Jost and Siah Design © 2009
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Lets Discuss
great work siah!
ReplyThis is so Great!!!
ReplySweet dreams are made of these...
ReplyThanks John, Chris, Nima, Dotflo and Josh!
ReplyWhat a beauty mate!
ReplyAlways loved this one!
ReplyWow, thats nice. Very dreamy..%3B)
ReplyLove it! :)
ReplySiah, I can almost see a face here? and Capping the D? This is intriguing.
ReplyStupid client! That's very memorable
ReplyThanks All! **@Gold Coast: Actually, the client was real pleasure to work with. Its just that I had a better solution for his needs that I had presented him as well that he went with instead. :D **I'll showcase the other concept once he launches his new identity.
Replyreally nice
ReplyLike I said brilliant solution irrespective of whether the mark or the name came first.
Replyawesum work friend....*really inspirational..would like to learn the thought process u adopt...
ReplyWow beautiful, really! Would be great to see how you would translate this to a black/white(gray) version though ...*%5C
ReplyThanks guys! Cheers Dalius :D**@leime: it actually still works quite well in black/white. It doesn't have the same impact as the color version but its definitely still recognizable and memorable.
Replyvery good
ReplyOne of my favourite logos of all time. Must say.
ReplyCheck out this guy:*
ReplyGood find Rokac. Shame.
Reply@firebrand*Shame indeed. I've already reported the guy.
ReplyThanks for the heads up and reporting Rokac. Some people just don't get it.
ReplyLet me clear the air:*%22Some people just don't get it.%22 *Maybe I did get it. With all do respect- I had never seen this logo before I did mine for 99 designs. I've never knew about LogoPond before. *As fellow designers you should be ashamed of yourselves for accusing another designer of copying before they have a chance to explain. I don't like being vilified by my peers - I don't copy. I hate copy-cats, and every now and then I seem to loose design competitions to copy-cats. So there's no way I would EVER copy another's design.*My design intent was to have a ladder going up to a neon moon shaped like a J, but more moon-like (to symbolize aiming high- reaching for your goals). A neon moon made of many tubular lights mixed with the idea of light moving over long camera exposures. The contest holder mentioned some logos for inspiration (Zipliner and Creative) were two that stood out. I did just that - used them as inspiration - as all designers do. I removed the ladder in my concept because it was cluttering it up. And ended up with a SIMILAR logo to the likes of DREAMZ.**Your Dreamz logo is fabulous. And I laughed to myself when someone pointed out that %22it was a copy%22. Because when dealing with the word %22Dream%22 it's not uncommon to think of a moon (or stars/ clouds). So after meshing the inspirations from other elements - it's no surprise to me that someone would think they look alike. **I show nothing but respect for other designers. I would hope that you will respect me and not vilify me about this. I care about DESIGN too much to just let my peers bash and accuse me of something I did not do.**Thank you,*Ted *
Reply@doobious: Thank you for explaining your position. The reason why there are so many incidences of plagiarism on crowdsourcing sites is that the odds of winning a contest are about 100-1. Faced with these odds it's no wonder there is little incentive to put any man hours in. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you participate on crowdsourcing sites at all, given that so many are won by copycats as you put it.
Reply@Roy: Amen.**@Doobious: Thank you for voicing your opinion on the matter. I apologize for assuming you ripped my logo. But considering that so many other people that enter contests do rip I guess it was a natural assumption.**Once again, sorry for the assuming - I've been wrongly accused before and I know it doesn't feel good.**
ReplyNo offense taken, guys. I know how it is - anyone with PhotoShop these days is a %22designer%22. I enter these competitions to earn a little cash on the side in between jobs, but lately its been really frustrating, and getting accused of copying and being vilified within a competition was the %22straw that broke the camel's back%22 so to speak. *After discovering LogoPond, I absolutely appreciate the work on here and (like always) have the utmost respect for fellow designers. *I just couldn't bear with being labeled a copy cat, by my peers. Thanks for understanding, and since your design was obviously created before mine I have %22thrown mine away%22 to never use it.
Replyits like a group hug... hey.. wheres my wallet!
Reply@ClimaxDesigns:Thanks. I did not know this. As you all know - I'm a noobie here. LOL**@nido: LOL. Yeah. Gotta put a chain on that wallet!**
ReplyHappy to say this unused proposal now has a home with a talented photographer. :D Now %22iDream Images%22. **I think it works well for this photographer. It's set apart from other clich%E9 photog logos.
ReplyOuch. Clearly a tough client I guess? Nice though, Josiah, always loved this one, nice to see it in use.
ReplyLovely logo!
ReplyFeatured here:
Reply20 Creative Moon Logo Designs for Inspirations
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