by bsehenuk • Uploaded: Jul. 09 '09
Logo design for HOPE, an organization that works toward ending human trafficking in Thailand.
Client work
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the phrase doesn't make sense! is it %22helping, other people exist%22?
ReplyThe phrase does make sense. It should be read as: Helping other people exist. No comma is needed.
Replythis could be a cultural thing but a black bird isn't typically a metaphor for hope...but rather for melancholy
ReplyGood eye logoboom! This non-profit organization prints all their tags in black and white, which bear the logo. But I'll propose to them to try going with at least one color! Thanks.
ReplyCan I have a vector file for a backdrop this charity wants me to print?
Reply@signkingaz I didn't think that HOPE existed anymore as a nonprofit. Are you working for a different charity that wants to use the same logo? I can't do that if that's the case.
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