New Music Theatre

by valbo • Uploaded: Jul. 04 '09


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Description: One of mine logo designs for website that promotes Broadway-like music and people who write them.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 8225

Lets Discuss

MomentumMagazine Jul. 05 '09

Love it. Very creative!

matto Jul. 05 '09

Hoh, really nice concept %3B%5D

valbo Jul. 05 '09

Thanks.. appreciate it.*Just to update - final logo is redesigned to give more logic view. Piano keys are not facing theater anymore but the backstage.. not a big deal but minor correction to be noted so you dont have to bother pointing that out %5E%5E

tass Jul. 05 '09

Amphitheater? Interesting concept

ManuelGarciaPH Jun. 30 '12

Featured Here:
Music Logo Designs: 15 Examples of Piano Concepts

BigBoss Jun. 17 '16

Great Job Valbo. I am working on a music related logo too, maybe you can give some opinions about it if you have time? thanks.


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