Ethnic Accents

by waltermurray • Uploaded: Jun. 29 '09


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Description: It has become very fashionable in some parts of Africa and the diaspora to cry, Sankofa! Back to our African roots! The Akan Sankofa symbol, the bird looking backwards, is carved into official buildings in Ghana and stamped onto cloth. (Some say the bird is flying forward while looking backward with an egg in its mouth, symbolizing the future.) One can easily find websites and newspaper articles calling for Africa's people to return to their African roots. The idea has been used to demand a return to traditional African names, to encourage African style dress, to bolster the sale of traditional African dishes in restaurants, to cultivate bigger markets for African crafts and cloth.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3328

Lets Discuss

sirwilliamwesley Jul. 07 '09

Very nice, without trying too hard to make it look %22earthy!%22

logoboom Jul. 07 '09

Beautiful graphic! Love it. Terrible typography.

waltermurray Jul. 16 '09

Thanks, about the type- it would help if you crit and comment on what you think is not working as just saying %22Terrible%22 does not help me much. I chose a clean font to contrast the African symbol- the product is sophisticated and the target market is in England and hanse needed a balance between African and high-end which I feel is achieved by the clean, slim and spaced type. I welcome any constructive comments that would help develop the logo further, so indulge me further than a single word.**Thanks*


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