by logopunk • Uploaded: Jan. 20 '07 - Gallerized: Aug. '07
Logo design for a lads website
As seen on:
J.Pink's Logo Design
Client work
Lets Discuss
nice mark!...
ReplyI likey!
Replysweet mark. something about it just caught my eye. nice colors, too. would love to see the type in a sans, though.
ReplyIt is way too green to feel like flames
ReplyI agree with dache, The lime-green you have going on would look much, much better as an orange!*Still, really nice!
ReplyI am so loving this.
ReplyAbsolutely beautiful mark.
Replythis is a mark!
ReplyNice logo, I agree about the green, maybe try orange fading to yellow would add to the %22flame%22 effect
ReplyWhat font did you use here?
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