Noir (v2)

by Tømme • Uploaded: Jun. 05 '09


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Description: black version
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6539

Lets Discuss

nattiemon Jun. 05 '09

just noticed this on your black version... is that strike through the O the same weight as, lets say the diagonal stroke of the N, it seems a little thinner, wonder how it would look with the same weight (if its not the same already :) like the concept

Tømme Jun. 05 '09

lol, yeah your right, on my white version it has the same width, but on this one something must have gone wrong :P gonna have a look at it in the morning. Thanks for pointing that out %5E%5Eappreciate it

contrast8 Apr. 08 '11

congrats on sale %3B)

Tømme Apr. 10 '11

hehe thnx mate (:


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