Pousada Anduara

by dadado • Uploaded: Jun. 03 '09 - Gallerized: Jul. '09


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Description: Pousada Anduara
Status: Client work
Viewed: 22605

Lets Discuss

m1sternoname Jun. 03 '09

Nice image, not so keen on the font though.

lundeja Jun. 03 '09

The wings on the left look a tad bit rough, wondering if this was intentional?

dullo Jun. 03 '09

Great colors. Love the artistic feel.

mushkabella Jul. 03 '09

I'm in love with it. Thanks for sharing %3B)

mabu Jul. 04 '09

I really like the overall concept and the colors is amazing! Have to agree with lundeja, that the upper left wing looks a tad too rough though.

alldesign Jul. 04 '09

Hey, nice work. Might I ask what Pousada Anduara means/does? Thanks!

alldesign Jul. 04 '09

Hey, nice work. Might I ask what Pousada Anduara means/does? Also curious as to why you chose to use that logomark to represent your client's company. :) Thanks!

alldesign Jul. 04 '09

....forgive the double-post, please. I swear I hit 'preview' the first time, not 'post'. :)

Danilops Jul. 04 '09

Pousada Anduara means Anduara Hostel. it's Portuguese. :)

Meloga Jul. 05 '09

Muito legal, so cool!

dadado Jul. 06 '09

Hello there! thanks a lot for the comments!**Anduara is a contraption of an indian word that is related to some element of nature. %22Pousada Anduara%22 is a nice and simple hotel with few rooms, but very cozy and invity. I decided to use the butterfly 'cause it represents the simplicity and softness of nature, since the place is a very beautifull tropical beach, full of colours and delicated details.

dadado Jul. 06 '09

About the wings, After trying to make it perfect, decided to leave like this because in nature the imperfections make things unique and beautifull. :D

Elias Luiz Jul. 13 '09

Parab%E9ns, %F3timo trabalho. *Estou precisando remodelar o meu logotipo e gostaria de saber se voc%EA tem interesse.*elias@extremos.com.br

alldesign Jul. 15 '09

heya, dadado....thanks for letting me know about the meaning of pousdada anduara earlier. i'd like your feedback on my latest design, here: http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/68068 so please let me know what you think. thanks for any and all feedback!

DJayzed Jul. 22 '09

I actually like the font but i agree that the wings look rough on the left

bella Nov. 26 '09

it is very great!! I like it!! dadado, i'm from different country, and a'm firstly here and don't know rules... i would like to use it (butterfly and colors) in my business visiting card (with my name). would you don't minde?

dadado Feb. 08 '10

bella, you can't use it anyway, this is a comercial logo registered and in use by client. :/


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