
by grigoriou • Uploaded: May. 31 '09 - Gallerized: May. '12


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Description: A smile and a wink inside this simple "smile" word mark logo. I haven't yet seen this done before in this way, but if someone has please notify me immediately!
As seen on: incspring
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 24766

Lets Discuss

grigoriou Jun. 01 '09

hmm, not a bad idea houston, but my initial thinking is that if i warp all the letters that way then the smile wont be as noticeable, especially in a black and white.*i'll try it though! thanks!

OcularInk Jun. 01 '09

I'm wondering if you can just make the bottom eye straight as opposed to warped? The lowercase 'i' would read much better this way and he would still be winking. %3B-) Nice eye-dea.

nattiemon Jun. 01 '09

really like it... i think it reads fine, nicely done... i wondered if you had maybe tried, if you hadn't already, the face just a tad larger (i dont mean the weight of the lines but just in overall height) that might make your %22il%22 stand out a little more... just a thought

tass Jun. 01 '09

smart concept %3B)

grigoriou Jun. 02 '09

judging from the number of springs im guessing this is good to go as is! thanks for all your comments floats and feedback!

logomotive Jun. 02 '09

passed my bedtime but had to comment and say, NICe concept. I do agree with OC about the i will still work and look better IMO. Clever idea %3B-)

mabu Jun. 30 '09

Cute and clever :)

ColinTierney May. 30 '12

missed this one. love it.

grigoriou May. 31 '12

Thanks guys!! nice blast from the past for me here. Can't believe htis is already 3 years old.

joeydetuned Jun. 02 '12

or even years before now that i look at discogs

Paciukanis Jun. 04 '12

The essence of good logo ;)

brandingbros Jun. 08 '12

great work Grigoriou..must say it makes me SMILE..V

GoceV Jun. 20 '12

WOW! Pure awesomeness :D Great job


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