fly on the wall

by designabot • Uploaded: May. 21 '09 - Gallerized: Jan. '10


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Status: Just for fun
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Lets Discuss

designabot May. 21 '09

holy cow cerise! i only posted this about 4 seconds ago and already a comment!*thank you : )

gyui May. 22 '09

i love the composition and the mark, but i read %22on the fly wall%22

rudy hurtado May. 22 '09

Being an AC-DC freak, I love the name, and maybe because of that I read it properly, well done, makes it a simply strong Brand!, I could see it in applications in my head already.

designabot May. 22 '09

thanks guys for the remarks. Much appreciated.*I played around a little with the type and ended up with the above result. This format just seemed to sit correctly and was most visually appealing.***

shaneg May. 22 '09

love it! but I read %22on the fly wall.%22 However the imagery combined with the fact that everyone has heard of the say, %22fly on the wall%22 it still works, because I wasn't confused, I knew EXACTLY what it said before I even read it.

logomotive May. 22 '09

simple yet too cool.

myco May. 22 '09

I'm with shaneg: I read it clearly without thinking about it.

designabot May. 30 '09

once again thank you all

tass Jun. 04 '09

i read it also as on the fly wall, but it's quite nice and clever.

designabot Jun. 07 '09

this design was a bit of a test of perception. From all the people who have seen it I would say about 60%25 read it as 'fly on the wall'. The other 40%25 as 'on the fly wall'. I found it interesting anyway thanks for all the floats : )

hitbyreindeer Aug. 26 '09

i read %22fly on the wall%22 and like it a lot, cheers! :)

charcoal Sep. 20 '09

This is great - and by the way I read fly on the wall.

milou Jan. 05 '10

he's human anthony!

esotericsean Jan. 05 '10

On the fly wall. Hehe, amazing though.

Spavvic Jan. 06 '10

%22on the fly wall%22**but really nice )

mattaebersold Jan. 06 '10

Awesome concept! Love the visuals here

carl231181 Jan. 08 '10

I personally love the concept… BUT**It DOES read as %22on the fly wall%22. Could a simple shift of font weight make this read correctly?, for example…**A heavier use of font on 'fly' and a lighter use on the rest? Worth a try?

rambal Jan. 11 '10

It took long time to be here..*Nice one. Love it..

simien Jan. 12 '10

I like it a lot. I just wonder how it would be incorporated in different media... print, web, business cards.... It has that vertical line that I see as a potential issue.

bug studios Feb. 14 '10

amazing!! great job!

dcyr May. 28 '10

great concept, but at first I read it as %22on the fly wall%22 not %22fly on the wall%22


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