by janzabransky • Uploaded: May. 15 '09 - Gallerized: May. '09
Award wining logo design for speciality coffee house and artisan coffee roaster
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Lets Discuss
Oh yeah, Janzabransky!!! v.1 was already good, but this one is even much better. Floater!!!
ReplyNice work. It pulled me in.
Replyvery nice Jan, the 'ff's are really well done :)
ReplyBeautifully done!!
Replyinstantly legible only because of the great integration. you read it without having to read it. nice
ReplyMAMMA MIA!!! WOW this is super duper. How's the colors look reversed just curious, this is Javalicious!
ReplyJust perfect! Congratulations!!!
Replykick ass! :_)
ReplyFantastic! Love this version.
ReplyThis is a classic!!! :P
Replycreamy!! fantastic :-)
ReplyElegant, generous and appetissant.Well done!
ReplyGreat logo love all aspects
Replywell, it's graphic design with smell and sound! :)
Replyjantastic mate.
ReplyGreat style! (Kdyz to vidim, hned bych si dal kafe :))
ReplyLovely work, Jan.
ReplyNice work jan! I love it.
ReplyThank You all creative mates much for all the positive comments and floats on this. It means a lot for me.
ReplyDoes anyone else see the nice little happy face in this? or maybe everyone does and I just missed that part at first.Again fab work Jan.
ReplyI see the face now, that's a really nice touch!
ReplyGreat work! Not a single problem with the legibility either.
ReplyHa, I just saw the face too. Very cool. Jan, this has come a long way since the original conception. Very well done.
Replyi also see a face! very nice! :)
ReplyWell done, bud, thats great!
ReplyExcellent. It has taste!
ReplyI love this logo. Mike I don't see the happy face but I see your elefont %3Bp 'kidding. Awesome!
ReplyGreat work! caught me in first sight :)
ReplyThis is brilliant! Nice work :)
ReplyIf I can smell coffee by looking at this I'd say you did well! - nice showcase as well.
ReplyWow. Simply wow.
ReplyThank You all very much for such a comments. I really appreciate it and I am happy to see, that you like the logo.
ReplyExcellent! Excellent! Excellent! Makes me wanna buy the coffee and it doesn't get better than that.
ReplyThis logo keeps drawing me in. That face is comical and inviting. I don't know how anyone can not see it. Again great work Jan.
Replyvisually attractive! It has a mark of being classy and sensous. I smell the great taste. Very inviting. Great job Janz!
Replygreat one ! I like the bg
ReplyReminds me of %3Ca href%3D%22 one for Coffee Talk%3C/a%3E by %3Ca href%3D
ReplyNem%E1 chybu! SkvBl%E1 pr%E1ce.
Replygreat illustration / type integration
ReplyVery nice JZ, and I really love the face in there :)
ReplyVery nice JZ, and I really love the face in there :) I saw it Mike :)
ReplyI hope you got well rewarded for this. :)
Replyeoppee? :/
ReplyOooh, so YOU'RE the guy! Good work, man!
ReplyI really enjoy the way this logo came out.
ReplyAlways loved this logo Jan, one of those ones that works for any reason.
Reply%5EI think some kind of arrogant SEO spammer who is farming links here. Do not click at them or give him attention.
Reply%5E Jan, you bet me to it :) Spamming is out of control...but, a 12/24 hour %22your comment is awaiting moderation%22 thing would do more harm than good (in terms of proper critique).
Reply@Seo Company/MarkDaniel Take your spam elsewhere.
ReplyPlease dont make mess and chaos here!!!
Reply@janzabransky: Contact David - he'll soon ban this scum.
Reply%5E that sounds like an infamous line from a horror movie... soon as its said and the dude turns around...
Reply%5EHa!! Nido ...or, Nostradamous ??**Nothing against the work itself, but why are spammers fixating on this particular peice?
Reply%5E Check out the view count. This logo has also been featured on many logo design inspiration sites/blogs. That's my theory anyways.
Reply%5E As Kevin said, I think so.Thank you David for cleaning those %22bugs%22 here.
ReplyDavid, you are doing a good job keeping Pond clean, thanks in a name of all modest users.
Replywell done!
ReplyThis is really a nice creativity and I must appreciate this work.
ReplyIt is real creature and I love this work very much.
ReplyIf I could just float it again Jan.
ReplyVirus alert! Don't click the above link.
Replyhaha dont click that %5E one either ... these spammers are funny ... they shake your hand first
ReplyDavid, is it possible for textile/commenting to be available to new users only when they have uploaded at least one logo to their showcase? The parasites are taking the piss now.
ReplySeen this a million times...never floated for some reason :) Great stuff, Jan.
ReplyThank You Joe!
Replyinstantly legible only because of the great integration. you read it without having to read it. nice
Reply@Frasi you got interesting point. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyVinikajuce Logo! Bol som jeho fanusikom oz zaciatku a teraz som este vedsi ked som zistil ze umelec je Ceskeho povodu! Nech sa ti dary v umeleckej tvorbe.*PS: Nevidim tam ziadnu tvar.... :)
ReplyGood typo %5E%5E
Replypossible rip off here ... ****besides the bad news ... great logo !
Replytasty coffee logo ... really delicious !!
Replyhey man, sorry for this, but look what I just saw somewhere (on the seaside)
ReplyThanks guys for open eyes :(
ReplyJan, it only shows that your logo is outstanding, though it sucks people are taking it for their use, I only hope nobody takes cash for selling your work to the third party...
ReplyThanks Milosz, appreciate your support.
ReplyHey Jan, love the logo. Btw looks like the cup got copied by someone on 99designs.
I Love this Logo. Where can I go Download it??
Reply^^^ lol
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