
by jennyb • Uploaded: May. 11 '09 - Gallerized: May. '09


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Description: A very cutsy logo for a clothing line, handmade accessories, or retail, plus many more possibilities. Available in reduced detail as well.
As seen on: IncSpring
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 11227

Lets Discuss

gyui May. 11 '09

wonderful font jennb, maybe connect the dashed line coming out of the p. looks odd to have the gap IMO.

jennyb May. 11 '09

Will do @ gyui :) Thanks for your insight, I was torn about that too. Now I know! You rock!

gyui May. 11 '09

no problem jennyb :) i gotta say, the type is awesome, is it custom?

jennyb May. 11 '09

To give credit where due, this is actually akaDora, or at least, that is the variant that I have.The only thing that I really changed was the %22s%22 once outlines were created. You will find that the kerning will also need to be tweaked :) What do you think of the change in the dashed line?

gyui May. 11 '09

i think it looks great. i wouldn't change a thing now. beautiful logo jennyb :)

jenlogo May. 14 '09

Nice work jennyb!

gold coast website design May. 14 '09

Thought it said pixel gurls at first... sweet design.

jennyb May. 15 '09

Thank you GCWD! Pixel gurls crossed my mind too as I was coming up with a name, but, pixiegurls just seemed to be better suited :)

JohnM Jun. 24 '09

This is so elegant! the type and the mark fuse really well...


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