Tainted Sushi

by theconstruct • Uploaded: Apr. 22 '09


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Description: Tainted sushi is meant to represent news of the weird, quirky technology and all around odd facts and stories from the world with commentary.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4120

Lets Discuss

Africange Apr. 22 '09

theconstruct...I LOVE IT! great colcor combos, makes my mouth water! So different from teh obvious cut roll which has been overused

Africange Apr. 22 '09

theconstruct...I LOVE IT! great color combos, makes my mouth water! So different from the obvious cut roll which has been overused

theconstruct Apr. 22 '09

Thank Africange, I appreciate your comments :)

gyui Apr. 22 '09

you did a beautiful job creating the sushi. maybe taint half of the sushi (maybe just the salmon), because some may think of the green as a dash of wasabi.

logoboom Apr. 22 '09

Conceptually I think it's far to literal for its intended purpose.

epsilon Apr. 22 '09

Dunno, it looks like a perfectly good penicillin mold to me.

Paul Rand Apr. 22 '09

Nice illustration with the striations.*The rice looks too fresh and what does this have to do with technology?*Bad name, IMHO.*

michellemarie Apr. 22 '09

You are working with an awkward name. However, I think the premise that this a blog that reviews quirk stories might come across stronger if Tainted were the more emphasized word. Now, since Sushi is stronger I am being mislead.**Great rendering and color scheme.

theconstruct Apr. 22 '09

Thank you all for your helpful comments. I originally had a green cloud emanating from it but it was much like smoke. You guys all make great points and thank you for the compliments :)


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