Sky of Love

by logoholik • Uploaded: Apr. 22 '09 - Gallerized: Jun. '09


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Description: A side pro bono project for - from about us page: Every week for more than a year, Antonio has been spending his layovers in Accra with the children of Osu Children's Home. Unable to remain insensitive and inactive in front of the despair of so many children, he has been bringing them food, clothes, toiletries, diapers, sanitary napkins, school supplies, books, toys, and more. He purchases most of these items with his own personal money. A growing number of fellow flight attendants, of pilots, and friends have joined and contributed to his efforts by donating all sorts of things and also making donations of cash. This identity will be published in Logoliscious (formerly The Mini Book of Great Logos)
As seen on: Sky of Love
Status: Client work
Viewed: 13421

Lets Discuss

penflare Apr. 22 '09

really cool, nice job bojan

logoholik Apr. 22 '09

Thanks Sean! I am leaning towards this proposal also, even tho the other was instant idea and first concept to arrive...

penflare Apr. 22 '09

yeah but this is so unique

logoboom Apr. 22 '09

Both are quite nice.

logoholik Apr. 25 '09

Thanks guys. We are leaning to this one it seems. Cheers!

tass May. 08 '09

nice mix between the 2 shapes, very nice.

OcularInk Jun. 15 '09

This is great. I especially like the perspective on the plane. Nice work, Bojan.

mabu Jun. 16 '09

I agree with ocu. The perspective is really appealing. Great job Bojan!

nido Jun. 16 '09

nice... well done.**just a thought though.. minor.. but how about having the darker blue overlap at the bottom of the heart... just for that little extra...

logoholik Jun. 16 '09

Kevin, Mads, Nav - thanks for looking! Nav, your suggestion seems in place, thx2. Will consider that for sure.

serhos Jun. 17 '09

Great idea Bojan. Looks so clear, fresh and light, friendly!

logoholik Feb. 24 '10

Just found out that this baby will end up published in Logoliscious (formerly The Mini Book of Great Logos) Cheers!

logoholik Apr. 20 '10

It is also one of my ten babies that got in Logolounge 6. C'mon make daddy proud :) Cheers!


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