by KGB • Uploaded: Dec. 21 '06 - Gallerized: Dec. '06
spec identity for bird house company
Unused proposal
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Really like this one, the font reminds me of something you'd see in a kid's book %26 really works well with the simplistic shelf.
Replythanks you big jerk. Clarendon is a favorite of mine.
Replyyou play in the pro league!*- fine work!!!
ReplyMe encanta, sencillo y l%EDmpio. Felicidades
ReplyReminds me of a book covers from 70's.
ReplyVery, very nice.
ReplyI agree with Mr.Ford, it could have been pushed a bit further. Also, I think maybe taking out the body line where the wing covers it? It might look better, It might not. But anyway, nice work.
ReplyThat's one really wonderfull
Replybird is very cute :)
ReplySweet. Does not look umm, well, CHEEP!
ReplyC'mon people!!! 2 more for 100 votes! This really deserves it, even if it's almost 3 years old...
Replyalright, alright ... geez Type08 :P
Replydo I get a prize for 100 floats? Gold Star?
ReplyHahaaa, golden lotus!
Replyeveryone loves this logo. too bad the client didn't.
ReplyI little puke just came up ...
ReplyHard to compete with the emboss filter.
Replythat's hilarious! clients can be such fools.
Replysweet. 101 floats. waiting on my Certificate of Awesomeness. broke the ton, and well deserved champ!
Reply103 floats! memorable. :)
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