Saturn Electronics

by andreiu • Uploaded: Mar. 26 '09 - Gallerized: Mar. '09


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Description: Logo for an electronic store.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 34980

Lets Discuss

Muamer Mar. 26 '09

This is very nice %26 clever, Andreiu!

Type08 Mar. 26 '09

I agree, although I miss the other half of the ring...

andreiu Mar. 27 '09

thank you so much guys!!!%0D*really appreciate your support being a noob round here. :D

Purelogo Mar. 27 '09

I agree with Type08, I think adding the other half of the ring would really look good

andreiu Mar. 27 '09

thanks Purelogo and Type08. i'll give it a try!%0D*thanks again guys.

esotericsean Mar. 27 '09

I don't think it needs the other ring. It's nice and subtle this way. Love it! The type matches perfectly, too :)

bigjerk Mar. 27 '09

Other half would be good I think...very cool logo.

Brandsimplicity Mar. 28 '09

Great concept!Yes, the other half would really sell it.

alleycat Mar. 28 '09

Nice, it almost has a 70's feel, perhaps its the colours. And I don't think it needs the other half of the ring. Understated is sophisticated.

dezinarts Mar. 29 '09

No, I don't think it needs the other half of the ring. It's nice and kind of subliminal how it is now. Great work!

cmeyers Apr. 03 '09

its not trying to be a picture of saturn, just a subtle reference. the other half is not necessary at all and would make it too obvious in my opinion. great job. it is a bit retro, which is cool if that's the look they want.

andreiu Apr. 03 '09

having all these comments, i took the decision: i won't add the other half! :)%0D*thanks of all you guys.

designabot May. 21 '09

this has a really nice feel to it

michaelspitz Sep. 01 '09

Very smooth! Love the colors! :)

OcularInk Sep. 01 '09

I don't think it needs the other side of the ring either. This is nice and subtle and not overly gimmicky. Works well at just alluding to the Saturn reference.

Rokac Jan. 31 '10

I keep coming back to this one. Awesome work Andrei:)

andreiu Jan. 31 '10

much appreciated, Roko. thanks for your constant support, mate!


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