by 903creative • Uploaded: Mar. 15 '09
The purpose of Consulting Solutions is to strengthen organizational capacity by providing quality, affordable organizational development services to nonprofit organizations.
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This one for the mark.*I like the sans serif.*The enlarged C is not quite resolved or is Solutions.
ReplyI agree with Paul. But the symbol is great
ReplyYeah, I agree the type could use some TLC. I had %3Ca href%3D%22 version%3C/a%3E as well, but I'm not sure that's really achieving anything more. Also, the elongated torch (the linked one) is starting to look more like a golf tee to me.
Replygreat mark. i have the same comment about the type. i love the sans, i like the bigger %22C%22 but i don't really like the italic serif. the other version you link is beautiful as well.
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